The visibility of the LGTBI collective, a new event for ‘Sport goes by neighborhoods’

The Association of Sports Journalists of Malaga continues its programming with the sixth event of the social and sports project ‘Sport goes through neighborhoods’a meeting initiative organized by the APDM itself and which has the collaboration of the “la Caixa” Foundation through CaixaBank.

Under the title ‘Making visible is normalizing’, this sixth meeting will take place next February 21 at 6:30 p.m. at the Churriana Multiple Use Center (Plaza Niña de los Peines, s/n). On this occasion, the talk will be moderated by the APDM member and communicator Ale Sandino and will feature the participation of athletes Virginia Fernández and Juan de la Chica.

‘Making visible is normalizing’

In the world of sports, and despite the progress made in recent years, the LGTBI community continues to suffer discrimination. For this reason and on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day against LGTBIphobiawhich will be commemorated next Monday, February 19, this sixth talk aims to make visible that the world of sport, at whatever level, is prepared to coexist naturally with sexual diversity.

The moderator Ale Sandino, through the experiences of Virginia Fernández, goalkeeper of the Costa del Sol Málaga Handball and Juan de la Chica, hockey player and triathlete from Málagawill explore the experiences of the athletes of the group as well as the treatment that these issues receive in the media.

For the development of this activity, the APDM thanks the Malaga City Council, and especially the District Board 8 Churriana, for the transfer of its facilities for the development of this activity to educate in values.

‘Sport goes by neighborhoods’

‘Making visible is normalizing’ will be the sixth meeting of the second edition of ‘Sport goes through neighborhoods’ with sport as the common thread and in which six different neighborhoods will reflect on topics such as illiteracy, childhood cancer and mental problems, among others.

The solidarity and sports program is promoted by the Association of Sports Journalists of Malaga and has the collaboration of the “la Caixa” Foundation, through CaixaBank. Its objective is to reach modest clubs, disadvantaged neighborhoods, vulnerable groups and at risk of exclusion, educational centers in specific areas and other associations with talks of educational, social or even pedagogical value.

2024-02-19 18:42:54
#visibility #LGTBI #collective #event #Sport #neighborhoods


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