There is no medicine for the fear of Mbappé – The penultimate living Raulista

For all the footballers who are going to sign for the Real Madrid There is a welcome committee in Spain. I am referring, of course, to the stars, to the stars, not to Mendy, for example. For Mendy there was no welcome committee but more than anything because no one knew him, if they had detected in Mendy the remotest possibility of making history, let no one have the slightest doubt that they would have prepared a welcome committee for him as well. To date, and as far as I remember, Who the welcoming committee pressed the most with was Cristiano. We were alerted about Cristiano in every possible way, that he was a pimp, that he was going to create a bad atmosphere, that he was a bad professional, that he was going to close all the gambling dens in Madrid… And the result of that alert preventive was four European Cups and 451 goals, the all-time top scorer for a club, Real Madrid, which has had some good forwards over the last one hundred and twenty years. The arrogant and poorly professional pimp who was going to close all the gambling dens in Madrid scored more goals than Di Stéfano, Puskas, Raúl and Paco Gento. It is clear that they received him like this, with that fury, with that resentment, with that hatred that oozes from their ears, for the simple reason that they feared him. And, in a slightly exaggerated display of self-esteem, they thought that insulting him, attacking him, CR7 was going to think about it and stay in rainy Manchester. I already say that Cristiano is the most exaggerated case, but all the world-class players, all of them, have had their mandatory welcome committee. All. Modric had it, Bale had it of course, Hazard also had itRonaldo, Figo, Beckham, Zidane had it… And today Mbappé has it. Mbappé already has the welcome committee for him. Because they fear it.

Let’s see, one thing is that I be hurt with Mbappé, which I amand believe that He deceived us until he became his twin brother., which I believe, and another very different thing is that I think that Mbappé is a bad footballer. One has to be deeply resentful to deny the evidence, and that is that Mbappé is an extraordinary soccer player. Well, the welcoming committee denies even that to Mbappé. He was not denied it at Monaco, where he already stood out, no, they are denying it now that everything indicates that he is going to sign for Madrid. Neither in the first PSG nor, of course, in the last, more than anything because Al Khelaifi ended up getting his way. It is now that they deny Mbappé everything, including his football quality, and they descend into the personal realm, directly insulting him. That Messi continued in the Spanish League was great for our football, Mbappé coming is not good for our football but only and exclusively for Real Madrid, who is a hoarder and wants to have all the good players, look how reckless. What’s more, the arrival of Mbappé, as I have heard, is even bad for our football because, as Real Madrid is going to have a great team, everything indicates that the championship is going to end in the month of March. Man, it suddenly occurs to me that Real Madrid could share its player with the rest of the First Division teams, right? For example, the two days in August that he plays with Madrid since he has paid for it. In September, to Barça. In October, to Valencia. In November, to Seville. In December, to Atleti. And so on until completing the twenty teams and starting again.

For Segurola, the leader of Spanish sports journalism, Mbappé is a fool because he doesn’t move his ass, a 25-year-old Messi. On Cadena Ser, Santi Giménez called him a gulf the other day. Jeta, gulf… Anyone else in the room who wants to insult him? They are not sports criticisms, no, they are personal disqualifications. And they have nothing to do, of course, with their hearts being broken, as it happened to me, but with fear. They are afraid. They are afraid of Mbappé. They are terrified of him. They don’t want him to come because they fear the worst, or the best. The best for Real Madrid and the worst for them… again. As with Cristiano, Figo, Beckham, Ronaldo and Zidane. Now with Mbappé. There is no medicine for fear, says a Scottish proverb. Scotland, the land of Dalglish, Souness and Johnstone. They were also terrified, but they never signed for Madrid as, finally, it seems Mbappé will do. Or was I fooled?

2024-02-23 20:32:34
#medicine #fear #Mbappé #penultimate #living #Raulista


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