Tough but fair: 96-Boss Kind – don’t worry about open voting

As of: February 19, 2024 10:42 p.m

Hannover 96 boss Martin Kind would not have to worry about a public election in the event of another vote on an investor’s entry into German professional football. He explained this on the ARD program “Hart aber Fair”.

Hannover 96 boss Martin Kind would not have to worry about a public election in the event of another vote on an investor’s entry into German professional football. “I’m open to it, I don’t think about it,” said Kind on Monday evening on the ARD program “Hart, aber fair”.

The German Football League wants to collect one billion euros from a financial investor for a percentage share of the TV revenue. When the 36 professional clubs voted on the deal, the necessary two-thirds majority was only barely achieved. Due to the controversial role of Hanover managing director Kind, there is suspicion that the vote could have violated the 50+1 rule. The rule limits the influence of external donors on clubs in the first and second divisions.

Yes or no? How did child vote?

Hanover’s club management had instructed Kind to vote against the investor’s entry. However, the voting results and the public confessions of those opposing the proposal suggest that the 79-year-old voted yes and thus helped the DFL plan gain the necessary majority.

Child himself does not comment on his vote. Even on Monday evening’s show, despite repeated requests, he did not reveal how he voted. “I reject that,” said Kind about the approach of other clubs that published their vote after the secret vote.

DFL is required

Fans in the stadiums have been protesting for weeks against the planned investor entry and the manner in which the process is being carried out. As a result, there are often several game interruptions during Bundesliga games. Some games were even close to being canceled.

According to dpa information, the DFL Presidium will once again deal in detail with the ongoing investor process this week. According to information from “Sport Bild”, the management board will meet on Wednesday to discuss how to proceed in the controversial case that has been hotly debated for weeks. There will also be two information events with the 36 first and second division teams on February 28th and 29th and another general meeting in March.


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