Unlocking the Secrets of Muscle Training for Aging Adults: A Conversation with Prof. Dr. Ingo Froböse in the Lauschtreff Podcast

The “LAUSCHtreff” has been running in the Zehnthof residential and meeting center since March 2021. The “LAUSCHtreff” is the podcast from the WBZ and is certainly an absolute rarity in the area of ​​facilities.

Muscles have to burn so that even old iron glows?

The guest in the new Lauschtreff episode “Welcome to the Fitness Club Altenheim” is Germany’s best-known sports scientist Prof. Dr. Ingo Froböse. He advocates intensive muscle training, especially at older and older ages. And he says clearly: “Muscles avoid the need for care.” The best proof of this is the little “Miracle of Padua” he helped bring about. A training program specially developed for residents of an Italian nursing home made a surprising number of them fit enough to move out again.

In the Lauschtreff, the podcast of the Städtische Rentenheime Dortmund gGmbH (SHDO), journalist and presenter Christoph Tiegel speaks once a month with expert and experienced people about important care topics such as dealing with dementia, young care, and lived diversity in facilities. Occasionally, beyond care, support and service, a completely different topic of conversation arises when a prominent guest drops by.

And here you can go directly to the new episode:

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2024-02-28 15:38:38
#LAUSCHtreff #WBZ #podcast #Prof #Ingo #Froböse


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