Esperanza Ortega stays one more year against Canacintra – El Sol de México

Esperanza Ortega Azar, current president of the National Chamber of the Processing Industry (Canacintra), was re-elected as leader of the organization for one more year.

During the organization’s ordinary general assembly, Ortega highlighted that his second term will take place around the presidential elections, which is why he invited the candidates to take the industrial sector into account.

“We are open to listening to your proposals and sharing our perspectives so that together we can build the best Mexico, because it is essential that we work together to achieve better results,” said Esperanza Ortega, president of Canacintra.

The institution, which represents more than 30 thousand companies throughout the country, asked the members for a new vote of confidence to, with the help of nearshoring, evolve the Mexican industry with the arrival of new technologies.

“We not only want to be seen, we want to be taken into account and for the candidates to carry out an inclusive public policy for the industry. Here the doors are open to all candidates for the different elected positions and we will give industrialists a voice,” said Ortega Azar.

One of the challenges that the president of Canacintra will have to face will be the decision on the bonus, where the private initiative has spoken out against it for raising the labor costs of companies.

“We find it inconvenient to continue increasing the costs of job creation at a time of economic complexity for the country and in which a consistent increase in the minimum wage is being assimilated,” declared the current president of Canacintra.

2024-03-05 04:50:05
#Esperanza #Ortega #stays #year #Canacintra #Sol #México


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