From Judo Therapist to Yoga Instructor: The Inspiring Story of Anmi and Azumi

Anmi is currently active as the director of an osteopathic clinic and the owner of a chiropractic and yoga salon. After an injury she sustained in high school, she decided to become a judo chiropractor. However, after she entered vocational school, she became pregnant. After her birth, she returned. She is certified as a judo therapist.

In the first part, we asked Anmi why she wanted to become a judo therapist and yoga instructor, and the path she took to get there.

This time, we spoke to… Azumi.

She is a qualified judo therapist, yoga instructor, and traditional Thai massager, and serves as the director of Yotsuba Osteopathic Clinic, while running her own private salon, Azumi, which provides chiropractic care, yoga, and traditional Thai massage at her home. . She is the mother of a 17-year-old daughter.

I started learning yoga in 2019 and am in charge of classes as an instructor. The following year, in 2020, he became certified as a yoga instructor by Yoga Alliance. Furthermore, in 2023, she also obtained a qualification in traditional Thai massage.


Chiropractic and yoga Anmi

Yotsuba Osteopathic Clinic

Rehabilitation led to the path of becoming a judo therapist. Obtained qualification through many ups and downs.

Anmi started her career as a judo chiropractor.

–Anmi started her career as a judo therapist. Please tell us why she decided to become a judo therapist.

When I was in high school, I was working part-time at a beer garden and carrying heavy things, which led to a herniated disc in my lumbar vertebrae.. I was introduced to an orthopedic clinic that my family had been attending, and when I started going there as a patient, the way the doctors treated me during my rehabilitation was very nice.I feel energized every time I go to the hospital.I thought, “I want to get a job that makes people feel better like this!” and decided to go to a vocational school with the aim of becoming a judo therapist.

–Did you obtain a qualification as a judo therapist while attending vocational school?

Qualification obtained after graduation
Actually, I got pregnant during my second year and decided to get married as a student. After I had my girlfriend’s child, I had severe morning sickness and couldn’t concentrate on my studies. I was able to give birth to my child safely, butThe national exam to become a judo therapist was just one month away.

I didn’t have enough time to study, so I failed the exam. After she graduated from vocational school, she worked as a housewife for about two years. After her divorce, she decided to work again at an osteopathic clinic and orthopedic clinic while aiming to obtain a qualification as a judo therapist.

The orthopedic surgery department where I was working at the time was where I worked part-time when I was a student, and it was the workplace that made me want to become a judo therapist. I knew many of my seniors and classmates, and they fully supported me in obtaining my qualifications.AlsoSometimes my teacher at the vocational school gave a special lecture.With the help of my seniors, classmates, teacher at vocational school, my mother who watched over my young daughter, and my younger brothers, I was able to successfully pass the national exam.

After working as an orthopedic surgeon for five years, I was invited to change jobs and work at Yotsuba Osteopathic Clinic.

After attending the seminar, I started practicing yoga again, which I had grown bad at!

We run yoga classes that address concerns unique to women.

–Speaking of Anmi, in addition to working at an osteopathic clinic, she is also active as a yoga instructor. Why did she start doing yoga?

While I was working in an orthopedic department, a female junior colleague invited me to attend a yoga class.. Originally, I was not good at exercise, so I only thought of it as a way to relieve my lack of exercise, and I had no intention of becoming an instructor.

One day, about half a year after I started learning, I went to class with my juniors as usual. I ended up in the front and center position in front of the mirror and made a huge mistake with the pose. I’m the type of person who can turn anything into a laugh, but at the time I felt really embarrassed…After failing, I abruptly quit attending classes.

–It must have been a huge shock to have failed. How did you decide to become a yoga teacher?

At the osteopathic clinic where I work now, I received a notice about a seminar on postpartum care sponsored by a medical device manufacturer. Even 12 years after giving birth to my child, I was still suffering from minor postpartum problems such as lower back pain, body shape changes, irritability, and mental instability, so I decided to participate without hesitation.

When I attended the seminar, it was explained that “breathing techniques” and “retraining the pelvic floor muscles” are important in order to take care of the changes in a woman’s body after giving birth.Then, I suddenly thought about yoga, which I thought I was not good at.

I thought, “Maybe yoga can help improve breathing techniques and train the pelvic floor muscles, which are important after childbirth, at the same time?” I started thinking that I wanted to be the one teaching this method, rather than the one learning it.

From there, I started going to salons and chiropractic clinics that provide postpartum care, experiencing the care myself, and reading books about postpartum care.
At the same time, at a very good timing, a friend who had earned a yoga qualification introduced me to a teacher.

At that time, I had not yet decided to become a teacher, but it turned out that a friend of mine who was proactive had immediately made an appointment for me as a teacher. I took the plunge and went to see the instructor, saying, “Hey!” (laughs).I became a fan of the teacher’s soft yet strong core, and immediately applied to become his apprentice.After completing the class’s unique basic course, I obtained studio-certified instructor qualification, and then progressed my studies to obtain the National Yoga Alliance (RYT200) certification.

In the process, I not only felt changes in breathing techniques, connections between pelvic floor muscles, and physical changes, but I also learned that understanding yoga philosophy and practicing poses leads to changes in your mind and improvement in technique. It has expanded. Around this time, I was no longer ashamed of my past mistakes in poses, and began to feel that they had paved the way for me to pursue postpartum care and as a yoga instructor.

“I want to help you spend a comfortable time in mind and body using various techniques.” I also obtained my long-awaited qualification in traditional Thai massage!

He sometimes gives lectures as an alumnus at his alma mater.

――After that, you also became certified as a yoga instructor by Yoga Alliance, right? Was it difficult to obtain qualifications while working as a judo therapist?

You can earn your yoga instructor certification from Yoga Alliance in just a few months if you put in the effort. However, I wanted to acquire the certification while training properly.I took lessons for a year and a half while working and earned my qualification.

Every Saturday I would work in the morning, do yoga in the afternoon, and on Sundays I would concentrate on lectures for 4 to 5 hours during the day.. It’s something I like to do, so it felt like a hobby, and I was able to enjoy learning about it.

――I heard that Anmi-san also obtained a qualification in traditional Thai massage last year.

I have always liked receiving traditional Thai massage treatments, and thought, “I would like to be able to do it myself someday.” Then, by chance, I received a treatment directly from a person who is practicing traditional Thai massage locally in Thailand. I have an opportunity to learn.

Traditional Thai massage is also a treatment that emphasizes breathing, which is important in postpartum care. I felt an affinity with women’s care, which is something I value in yoga classes, and I wanted to learn the technique, so I was lucky that the opportunity actually came my way.

After teaching me the treatment, I also obtained a qualification to teach traditional Thai massage. If I have the opportunity, I would like to combine the knowledge and skills of judo therapists and yoga instructors to train traditional Thai massage therapists who can help address the concerns of those receiving treatment. .

Even now, after working as the director of an osteopathic clinic and opening her own home salon, Anmi is still voraciously learning how to provide care in order to acquire new knowledge. In the second part, we talk about her strategy for opening a yoga class at her home and the benefits of working as a judo therapist and yoga instructor at the same time. Look forward to the second part!


2024-03-19 05:45:10
#Yoga #chiropractic #traditional #Thai #massage #Anmi #heals #womens #bodies #REJOB


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