Insecurity is the most serious issue facing the country, says Álvarez Máynez – El Sol de México

Morelia, Michoacán.- The presidential candidate of the Citizen Movement party, Jorge Álvarez Máynez, assured that Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo “lives in a country that is not Mexico and that looks different from where she is,” from the one in which people experience the insecurity that It is the main demand of citizens.

Prior to the meeting with young people that he held this Friday at the La Salle University in Morelia, Álvarez Máynez was approached by the media, who highlighted that the old politics is upset, because “someone arrived who tells his truths to all the politicians who are part.”

When asked about the insecurity situation, where four pre-candidates were murdered in Michoacán, the presidential candidate of Movimiento Ciudadano recognized that today security is the most serious issue facing the entire country, not just Michoacán.

Given this, the standard bearer of the orange party explained that to resolve insecurity in Michoacán and the entire national territory he has a specific plan that he has already made known on social networks, which will be worked on together with young people.

Regarding the recent statements made in Morelia by the presidential candidate of the “Let’s Keep Making History” Coalition, Sheinbaum Pedo, in the sense that there will not be a “narco-election” in Michoacán or in the country, Álvarez Máynez considered that the Morenista lives in a country that it is not Mexico, that what people see is very different from what people live every day.

He recalled that this security problem has been dragging on since the six-year term of Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, and that to date it has not been resolved, he indicated that this situation not only comes from organized crime groups, but also from corruption and impunity, but above all everything that the police officers are one hundred percent trained.

Given the insistence of the media on whether he considers that there will be a “narco-election” in Michoacán, the presidential candidate responded that he will not make “simplistic” statements to the media, but rather he will make serious proposals to Mexicans to attack the insecurity and violence that is being experienced. in Mexico.

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“They have wanted to stigmatize youth consumption and only imprison poor young people, and we will make serious proposals to end insecurity,” reiterated the candidate for the presidency of Mexico.

2024-03-15 18:40:47
#Insecurity #issue #facing #country #Álvarez #Máynez #Sol #México


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