Judo-Sumo: A Fun and Beginner-Friendly Alternative for School City Championships

“Imagine, we weigh 180 kilos and have a long braid,” calls Björn Eckert, youth leader of the 1st Judo Club (JC) Mönchengladbach, to the around 150 school children and points to his own bald head with a smile. Together with his wife Sarah, he demonstrates how to lift each other from the two-by-two-meter fighting ring in judo sumo. Although today’s students have already learned the basic techniques of the martial art judo, in the actual fights for the school city championship, the replacement sport judo-sumo, which is suitable for beginners, is practiced, in which, like judo, people fall, but judo throws themselves are not allowed. Instead, you try to keep your opponent away by pushing and wrestling. The third and fourth grades at GGS Waisenhausstrasse as well as the fifth grades at the Mathematics and Natural Sciences High School (Math.-Nath.) and the Rheindahlen High School are enthusiastically taking part.

2024-03-01 12:12:54
#Mönchengladbach #Schools #fight #judo #school #championship


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