Michal Mikeska Leads Přerov to Quarterfinals: Post-Match Review

Michal Mikeska after progressing to the quarterfinals | Photo: Jan Gebauer, hokejprerov.cz

Přerov was able to turn a tricky series of two winning matches from 0:1 to 2:1 in his favor and slipped into the top eight. However, the Pardubice B team was more than a worthy opponent and in the decisive match they achieved a famous turn. But the bison did not allow him, which was also appreciated by their head coach Michal Mikeska.

As is his good habit, Michal Mikeska came to the post-match reviews in a good mood. He began the conversation with a casual, “What are you gloating about, me? I won’t testify until you tell me,” he responded to general cheers among the journalists present.

Then he looked around and saw how the medics were loading the battered Pardubice forward Daniel Herčík with a concussion onto a stretcher and with a smile he shouted: “One more match and I’m lying there!” But of course he didn’t forget to answer the questions.

Coach, how do you think you managed to win 3-2 and advance to the quarter-finals?
We got into a great performance, we read the opponent and the guys got used to what applies to him and what we want to practice on him. The match was directed by us, it was completely fantastic and amazing. Unfortunately, we didn’t take advantage of two breaks at 3:0. If we made it 4-0, it would be a carnival. Unfortunately, it got complicated in a way that only we can do. It was nerves, the opponent did not give up. During the season, they turned several games like this and this time they were close to it again. Fortunately, there stood the Figure and the beam. So ugh, but the match was great and we are excited about the progress.

“We didn’t manage to go from Plan A to Plan B a little bit and we struggled a lot at the back. But we’ll figure it out.”

What happened to turn a well-played game that you were in control and leading 3-0 into such drama?
The opponent was losing by three pieces, he had to open it up and push. We didn’t manage the transition from plan A to plan B a bit and struggled a lot at the back. The result was that they held on to the puck more, threw it to the backs and put themselves under pressure. So we didn’t manage to switch to another game, but we’ll work it out.

You didn’t give Pardubice a single power play in the decisive match. Did you appeal to the players not to foul unnecessarily?
If there was a noise microphone on the switcher and it was counted, I think I said it a hundred and fifty times. We didn’t want to offer unnecessary stick fouls, for example when attacking. Sometimes they have to foul when they have a chance, but we encouraged the players not to foul, only in the goal area.

What was Dynamo’s opponent like? In addition, in such a tricky series of only two winning games?
It must be said that the opponent had a very high-quality squad. You could see it in the first match where they overtook us. In the second one, we already adapted a bit and found our game that worked for it. We were better and dominated in the third, unfortunately except for that little bit at the end. But it had to be for people.

The second match ended in a mass fight. Were there any over-the-top moments in the series?
I don’t think it was over the edge, it always depends on the referees, which meter they set. Both camps could easily complain that they were a bit damaged somewhere, but the streak is now over and we’ve moved on. I am very happy and I am very proud of the team. In three months, we got out of the problems that were here together. I dare say that we have set a whole new game. And that game got us to the quarter-finals, which is great. I’m very proud of the boys, the way they’re working.

Mass fair in Přerov! The judges gave out 100 TM after the match

You took out experienced fighters Jakub Svoboda or Jiří Goiš from the lineup and you bet on youngsters, Dobša, Mácha, Zembola and others. Why?
I’ve told the players that and I’ll keep saying it over and over. Whoever plays well and does things his way will play. We ran four lines the whole time in the match and I have no reason to leave anyone out because everyone is playing well.

Will the omitted players return to the roster against Vsetín?
If only I knew. I would have to ask someone who knows (laughs). But seriously, I don’t think it will be until the first game. I’m even convinced of it.

“I said it to the players and I will keep saying it over and over again. Whoever plays well and does things the way he should, will play.”

And what do you want to do with Wallachy?
We’ll watch the video on Friday and see. They have nothing to surprise us and neither do we, they know from the video how we play and we know how they play. Of course, Vsetín has great quality, we know that. It will be about how lucky we will be and also how we will approach it and how we will take advantage of the chances that will surely come our way.

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