Military Sports Competitions: Strengthening Physical Fitness and Combat Readiness

Editor’s note

Sports carry the dream of a prosperous country, a strong military, and national rejuvenation.

For our officers and soldiers, military sports are not only an effective means to strengthen the body and exercise physical fitness, but also an important way to improve the overall military quality and military skills.

The exciting and warlike military sports games and military sports competitions actively held at all levels not only allowed more officers and soldiers to feel the fiery atmosphere of the stadium, but also further inspired their enthusiasm and challenge to participate in military sports training. Self-Courage.

Establishing a clear orientation towards fighting for war on the field can encourage officers and soldiers to be more capable and make military sports further become a multiplier for combat effectiveness.

Fitness is based on building the foundation and strengthening the body to win

——A comprehensive view of mass sports competitions with military characteristics

■Guo Wenmiao, Fan Jianghuai, PLA reporter Li Lin

As the actual combat training of the entire army continues to set off a new upsurge, military sports work has also pressed the “accelerator button” of reform and transformation. Military sports training in the new era, which focuses on missions and tasks, moves closer to military training and preparation, and expands to future battlefields, has taken the stage. stage.

Looking back at the military sports training of the whole army over the past three years, the combat orientation has been continuously strengthened, competition activities have been continuously expanded, and the enthusiasm of officers and soldiers has been rising. It shows the development of healthy physical fitness to combat fitness, basic physical fitness to characteristic physical fitness, and promotion of physical fitness development to physical skills and psychological integration. The three gratifying changes have effectively played the unique role of military sports in preparing for war, strengthening the physical fitness of officers and soldiers, cultivating bloody courage, and condensing military morale. Today, let us walk into the military camp, into the training ground, into the front line of combat readiness and duty, and have a glimpse of the military sports training of the officers and soldiers.

On August 1, 2023, the finals of the “Qiangjun Cup” basketball game among all military colleges and universities were held.

Competition promotes training, and “military flavor” sports competitions set off a military training boom

At the military sports meeting site of a brigade of the 82nd Group Army, competitions with a full military flavor such as “Decathlon”, “Company Flag Relay” and “Battlefield Rescue” are being held fiercely. The participating officers and soldiers were gearing up and broke brigade records in 13 events. The brigade has held military sports games for five consecutive years, and each year becomes more and more war-like.

Walking into the military camp, we were delighted to find that, like the brigade, many units had more military sports events. Different from the original sports games, the sports games with the word “military” do not just add the word “military” to their names. Setting up sports competitions to focus on training has become a new trend in military camp sports games.

At the military sports meeting of a detachment of the Heilongjiang Armed Police Corps, in addition to subjects such as armed swimming, passing a 300-meter obstacle with practical equipment, 5-kilometer armed cross-country in combat clothing, practical climbing and grenade throwing, practical combat such as assassination confrontation, enemy capture confrontation, and free fighting were effective The confrontational competition has also become an indispensable “finale” in the competition arena.

“Integrating competition events with strong practical application into the military sports games can not only stimulate the enthusiasm of officers and soldiers to participate in physical fitness, but also effectively promote the improvement of the military training level of officers and soldiers.” said Lin Jiandi, a military sports expert.

Taking the Air Force as an example, more than 400 military sports games will be organized in 2023. In addition to traditional competitions such as track and field and ball games, war-filled events such as assassination, fighting, boxing, cross-country, and water lifesaving have gradually become the focus. Strengthened the military nature of the game.

Straight punches, swinging punches, side kicks, leg kicks… At the “King of Fighting” competition at the Armed Police Special Police Academy, 148 contestants from 5 student brigades went through layers of competition to compete for the title of “King of Fighting” in 9 levels. “Initiate an attack. In the ring, the punches are fierce and the kicks are fast and powerful; below the ring, shouts and cheers are heard one after another. As a confrontational competition integrating collective ability, skills, intelligence and psychology, the “King of Fighting” competition has become one of the most valuable mass sports activities in the hearts of students.

“In the process of armed arrest and close combat, fighting skills are usually the most effective means of defeating the enemy, which can achieve the combat effect of defeating the enemy with one move.” Cui Tongqing, a military physical education instructor at the academy, introduced the original intention of launching this group activity, “The competition has honed the students’ psychological quality and tactical thinking, and also forged the special police spirit of ‘dare to fight tough battles, fight good battles against evil, and be able to win battles’.”

As enthusiastic participants in military sports activities, numerous students from military academies are also constantly expanding the breadth and depth of military sports in practice.

At the National University of Defense Technology, Taekwondo and other sports with practical attributes have become compulsory courses. The school has also established military skill clubs such as orienteering, equipment gymnastics, water sports, and obstacle overcoming, established military sports teams such as martial arts, and fighting, and actively created campus brand sports events with military characteristics such as the “Tiger Cup”.

The “Warrior Cup” bodybuilding competition, the “God of War Cup” martial arts competition, the “Lijian Cup” military sports meeting… Nowadays, mass sports competitions in various military academies are innovating, constantly creating military “highlights” and promoting the practical use of military sports by trainees. Skills continue to improve.

At the end of 2023, the “Strengthening Army Cup” orienteering competition of all military colleges and universities was held in Nanchang. The competition added competition events with tactical background and mission requirements. “We use the method of checking in at mission points to improve players’ mobile combat capabilities and awareness.” Zhao Dongsheng, a military training expert, said, “We mainly want to use this kind of military-wide competition to establish the concept of ‘promoting training through competition and moving towards war’. Military sports activity orientation.”

In just over three years, from the lively training grounds of grassroots troops, to the vibrant “second classrooms” of various colleges and universities, to the series of military sports events, participants in military sports activities have personally experienced From “athletes on the field” to “athletes on the battlefield”, military sports activities use competition to promote training, bringing new passion and motivation to military training.

The scene of the “Strengthening Army Cup” orienteering competition in all military colleges and universities.

As a sports person, achieve the integrated development of physical fitness, skills and psychology in competitions

Defense, steal the ball, fast break, pass, dunk! On the Army Day in 2023, the Nanchang Bayi Gymnasium was packed with seats, and the finals of the “Strengthening Army Cup” basketball game of all military colleges and universities were held here. On the court, the two sides attacked fiercely, and every crisp sound of the basketball hitting the basket tightly touched the hearts of the audience. The atmosphere of the court continued to heat up with the alternately rising scores.

As the final whistle sounded, the Army Artillery and Air Defense Academy team won the golden championship trophy. The Naval Aviation Academy and the School of Military and Political Basic Education of the National University of Defense Technology won the second and third place respectively.

Not just basketball games, from intra-school round-robin competitions to inter-service and military academy trials to centralized exchange competitions among all military colleges and universities, all military colleges and universities have organized more than 1,000 “Strong Army Cup” basketball and football games from bottom to top. , table tennis and other events have promoted the formation of a sports craze for all members. Colleges and universities generally report that the “Strengthening Army Cup” series of competitions not only strengthens the physical fitness of officers and soldiers, but also exercises and improves the students’ self-confidence, resistance to pressure, responsibility, as well as the awareness and ability to be calm, united, cooperate, and abide by the rules. Rich practical lessons are also a training ground for going from competition to battle.

Taking traditional ball games that have a solid mass base, are popular among officers and soldiers, and are easy to organize as a breakthrough point, and organize competitions from bottom to top throughout the year, we can drive the entire army to widely carry out mass sports competitions with military characteristics. Wang Zhizhi, a basketball coach at the Military Sports Training Center, said: “Basketball and other ball games may not seem to have strong ‘military attributes,’ but they are extremely important in gathering military morale, cultivating bloody courage, improving physical and mental health, and strengthening unity and cooperation. effect.”

In recent years, it has become normal for various colleges and divisions and brigade units to hold military sports games, and regional inter-service amateur basketball and football competitions are booming. Competitions in track and field, swimming, ball games, obstacles, bombing and other events are organized according to local conditions, creating an atmosphere of unity, tension, seriousness and lively military sports activities.

In a certain unit of the Strategic Support Force, the “Fighting Cup” basketball, badminton, table tennis and other competitions have attracted officers and soldiers to compete on the sports field and training ground. In the fierce competition and confrontation, the camp became lively, the pressure caused by combat preparations was relieved, and the physical fitness and physical and mental health levels were also improved during the competition.

Zhang Nianhua, a military sports expert, has many years of experience in organizing mass sports activities. In his view, “competition” is not the purpose of carrying out various sports competitions in various forms, but “use” is the purpose. “The so-called ‘use’ means to be useful in the competition and bring out the spirit of the competition. It focuses on tempering the team awareness of the unity and cooperation of the officers and soldiers in the competitive competition, the fighting spirit of dare to fight and win, and the confident and high-spirited sunny mentality, so as to strengthen the body. Good for both physical and mental health.”

Mass sports competitions, in the final analysis, are about increasing mass participation. With the development and changes of the times, “post-90s” and “post-00s” have become the main body of officers and soldiers, putting forward higher requirements for the innovation of military sports activities. How to innovate measures, expand projects, attract more officers and soldiers to participate, and continuously develop mass sports that are in line with the actual conditions of the army and have the characteristics of our army have become innovation points and breakthrough points in military sports work in the new era.

In a certain brigade of the Strategic Support Force, a wonderful flight control competition between fixed-wing model aircraft and multi-rotor drones is underway. Under the control of the contestants, model aircraft and drones flew in the air for a while, and performed difficult cobra maneuvers for a while. Stunt competitions such as balloon collisions and ribbon performances brought the atmosphere to a climax.

Drone competition is one of the military sports activities carried out by the unit based on professional positions. Like this brigade, many grassroots units implemented the concept of competition on the field, broke away from the single-minded thinking of physical competition, and carried out a series of interesting competitions and competitions, which further stimulated the enthusiasm of officers and soldiers for professional training and enriched the cultural life of the military camp.

In the past three years, we can see that sports activities such as “Snowy Curling” competitions, “Strait Warriors” sampan competitions, and “track-style” physical training have distinct military characteristics, as well as high-tech sports competitions such as robots, model aircraft, and military games. Public challenges such as chess and card games, mountain climbing, and walking are popular. The “Bodybuilding Master” challenge, record-breaking pull-ups and push-ups, and fitness check-ins have effectively stimulated the enthusiasm of officers and soldiers for military training.

“Military sports competitions can promote the integrated development of physical fitness, skills, and psychology during competitions.” Sun Yongfu, a military training expert, said. In various forms of military sports activities and competitions, all units of the army have paid equal attention to physical fitness and mental health, and have harvested a number of practical results with high participation by officers and soldiers and strong promotion, which has played a role in comprehensive sports education and promoting the all-round development of the troops. The role of construction.

The scene of the “Strengthening Army Cup” table tennis competition among all military colleges and universities.

Focus on winning, unique military and sports activities effectively connect with the battlefield

On the rough sea, clouds fly, waves roll, and warships gallop. The navy’s Jiaozuo ship and Hainan ship are cutting through the waves and performing combat readiness cruise missions. During the break between tasks, the officers and soldiers spontaneously walked to the battleship deck. Background music and commentary with naval elements sounded. Everyone gathered their energy and concentration to perform a unique set of “Sailor Tai Chi”. Along with the rhythmic rocking of the battleship, the officers and soldiers flashed and moved, attacking and defending in succession. They had both the graceful power of flowing clouds and flowing water, and the power of an instant burst of powerful attacks.

In view of the reality of limited space on surface ships and long working life at sea, the Navy of the Southern Theater Command has compiled a set of “Sailor Tai Chi” that meets the needs of military training and is more suitable for maritime exercises. This unique military sports activity is very popular among officers and soldiers and provides a unique physical training method for sailors heading towards the deep blue ocean.

“Instead of one-size-fits-all, we advocate actively carrying out military sports activities based on the respective characteristics and mission requirements of the services and arms, as well as typical battlefield environments and actual combat backgrounds,” said Zhang Aijun, a military training expert.

Comparable to the Navy’s “Sailor Tai Chi” is the “track-style” military training method used by rocket officers and soldiers. On the 400-meter runway or the flat road in the camp area, the trainees wore protective clothing or light masks throughout the entire process and passed through levels full of interesting challenges. This “track-style” physical training method lays a good physical foundation for actual combat operations.

In recent years, under the guidance of the Training Management Department of the Central Military Commission and based on the different requirements of the services and arms, various military units have successively introduced professional military physical training methods and means.

In response to the reality of small space and long endurance of ships, a certain navy ship innovatively held a deck military sports meeting based on the job environment and professional characteristics, setting up team tractor “machine”, coordinated ammunition transfer, damage control rescue, load relay mooring ropes, etc. 45 This competition project not only meets the physical training needs of officers and soldiers at sea, but also promotes the improvement of job business capabilities.

In order to help officers and soldiers gradually adapt to the plateau environment, a certain unit of the Rocket Force launched a “physical training package” for plateau adaptation, and established a “record board” and “dragon and tiger list”, which became the most popular “check-in challenge” competition event of the unit. . The officers and soldiers constantly improve their physical fitness level while competing with each other, laying a good physical foundation for successfully completing the plateau training mission.

As early as the Anti-Japanese War, the “Combat Basketball Team” of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army was well-known throughout the army. The team’s idea of ​​”sports serving the Anti-Japanese War” had a profound influence. Today, military sports construction continues to transform and develop, but the background of supporting the construction of service combat effectiveness remains the same. Staff from the Training Management Department of the Central Military Commission said that in the next step, the entire military will closely follow actual combat and mission tasks, continue to carry out mass sports competitions with military characteristics, promote the leapfrog of military physical training from basic to practical, and from playground to actual combat, and strengthen The seamless connection between military sports and battlefield needs lays a solid physical foundation for troops to fight and win wars.

The picture in this article was provided by the Military Sports Division of the Training and Management Department of the Central Military Commission

2024-03-13 01:27:22
#Fitness #based #building #foundation #strengthening #body #win #overview #mass #sports #competitions #military #characteristics #Ministry #National #Defense #Peoples #Republic #China


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