SUTIN workers demand 9% salary increase – El Sol de México

The Single Union of Nuclear Industry Workers (SUTIN), in its current contractual review, requests a 9 percent salary increase for its 509 unionized workers and its 102 trusted employees, who are covered by the Collective Labor Contract (CCT). ).

It seeks to compensate for the low salaries that prevail at the National Institute of Nuclear Research (ININ), since they are well below the inflation rate.

“In the current contractual review we have only found denials and closure. The strike call is for the first minute of April 1,” said the general secretary of the union organization, lawyer Ricardo Flores Bello.

“The Fourth Transformation is transgressed in the ININ. The fight against corruption was not accomplished. In 2021, the hiring of personnel was done fraudulently. Furthermore, subcontracting prevails. There are more than 100 workers hired by Professional Services, which is an outsourcing in disguise. Their profile does not meet the degree of specialization,” Flores explained.

In the last 4 years of the current administration, the salary increases granted to rank-and-file workers were 2% in 2020 and 2021; 2.1% in 2022; of 3.4% in 2023.

While inflation was 3.15, 7.36, 7.82 and 4.6 percent, respectively, according to the INEGI.

All of this contravenes the government’s recommendation that “there should be no below-inflation salary reviews. And the revisions were not only lower than inflation, but also lower than the salary caps implemented by the Ministry of Finance, said lawyer Ricardo Flores Bello, general secretary of SUTIN.

He said that one of the undoubted achievements of the federal Administration is the unprecedented increase in the minimum wage.

However, the reduction of salary increases in the ININ contributed to its workers with the 14 lowest levels having a daily quota salary, which is the reference salary for their pension, which is less than the general minimum wage.

Currently, about 190 workers are below the minimum wage, which means that 37 percent of workers are below the minimum wage.

Regarding decent vacations, derived from the reform of the LFT and presidential decree for the benefit of workers, in the case of the ININ, the administration refuses to pay the corresponding vacation premium.

Reasons are alluded to that nullify the spirit of the reform, “which shows an administration headed by general director Javier Cuitláhuac Palacios Hernández, which is repetitive in reviving old practices that have done so much harm to workers.”

Corruption must be punished

He considered that “the Fourth Transformation is not reflected in the ININ and it would be good if corruption, impunity, and privatization in the development and production of radiopharmaceuticals of the National Laboratory for Research and Development of Radiopharmaceuticals (LANIDER) were sanctioned.”

Regarding this, union leader Flores Bello pointed out that “the production of radiopharmaceuticals must be delivered in a greater percentage to public hospitals, since those who support the ININ are the people of Mexico.”

The percentage of production sent to the public sector barely exceeds by tenths that sold to private companies that distribute radiopharmaceuticals. This results in a particular benefit, explained Flores.

Radiopharmaceuticals are expensive because the radioisotopes are imported. To reduce its price, the State’s investment in a cyclotron is required, said the ININ union leader.

Regarding the labor irregularities that prevail in the ININ, such as low salaries, he spoke out “for the full validity of the main labor right, which is the fair increase that we demand in this contractual review.”

2024-03-03 23:13:57
#SUTIN #workers #demand #salary #increase #Sol #México


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