The Debate Over Rafael Nadal’s Potential Retirement: Should He End His Career Early?

the essentials The northern player, more than heated, did not mince his words after the broadcast of a sequence Thursday March 7 during a program on the L’Equipe channel.

Should Rafael Nadal end his career before playing one too many seasons? The Spanish champion, winner of 22 Grand Slam titles, suffers more and more frequently from the physical inconveniences linked to his age (37 years), making his presence in tournaments rare. As proof: he had to decide to give up participating in the American tournament in Indian Wells.

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Tennis: “It is with great sadness that I must withdraw from this incredible tournament”, Nadal withdraws from the Indian Wells tournament

“I don’t feel ready to play at the highest level at such an event” justified the current 652nd in the world. Should the Majorcan say “stop”? The debate is open. The question was at the heart of a theme discussed on the media “the L’Equipe channel”, Thursday March 7. Among the debaters, the journalist Bertrand Latour. “To answer that he must stop is to love Rafa,” he began. “You want to witness the death of a legend, I want to keep the most beautiful image of him and the legends , I want them to go to the top. There, each day that advances brings him closer to an end which will be pitiful and which is not up to the level of his talent. I like it when athletes have an end worthy of their career. It won’t take anything away from what he did, but it’s a bit sad I think.”

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Tennis: “The same opportunities? Yes. The same salaries? No” Rafael Nadal’s comments on feminism are controversial in Spain

Words heard by the French player Lucas Pouille (N.273) and to which he did not remain indifferent. Far from there. “Another great journalist… what a shame!! he commented on X. Please The teamdo something… How can you be so disrespectful.”

Another great journalist.. what a shame!! Please@lequipe do something… how can you be so disrespectful

— Lucas Pouille (@la_pouille) March 8, 2024

Assuming his words, Bertrand Latour quickly responded to Lucas Pouille, throwing a little dig at him in turn: “Lucas, it’s like your matches. You have to go to the end….”

2024-03-08 11:51:00
#VIDEO #Tennis #Shame #disrespectful #Frenchman #Lucas #Pouille #violently #angry #journalist


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