Turkeys: From Near Extinction to Urban Nuisance in Quebec

Do wild turkeys really rule the roost? At least that’s what the mayor of Louiseville, in Mauricie, claims, who has had to deal with a herd of “aggressive” animals for several days. Here is everything you need to know about this bird that is on everyone’s lips, and whose population is increasing at a rapid rate in the province.

The animal was nearly extinct at one time, having been exterminated from New England in the 1800s.

But with milder winters which allow chicks to survive the cold season, the lack of predators and conservation programs put in place a few decades ago, the species is making a strong comeback in the province.

She made a sensational entry into Quebec news in 2016, after a “black turkey” entered the home of a Gatineau resident who was peacefully lying on her “couch”.

Since then, “it’s the law of turkeys” almost everywhere, as the mayor of Louiseville, Yvon Deshaies, mentioned this week. One of the wild turkeys that terrorize his municipality, a very aggressive male, was shot dead by a citizen on Thursday with two shots from a slingshot.

Facebook / Élaine Mimeau

In one video, a Louiseville resident can be seen running around his vehicle to escape a wild turkey.

Can we kill wild turkeys in Quebec?

For the moment, it is illegal to “take out your baseball bat” to kill a wild turkey, as Mayor Deshaies proposed.

However, it is possible to hunt three wild turkeys per year in certain areas of the province, two in the spring and one in the fall, using a permit issued by the Quebec government.

“Is this enough? In some regions, it is sufficient, it is suitable. In other regions where there is overpopulation, we should perhaps increase hunting a little more,” said experienced hunter Patrick Campeau on Thursday morning. Hi hello.

The citizen of Louiseville who disposed of the turkey is liable to a fine of $1,000 to $5,000 if it is his or her first offense. However, he will have to pay between $3,000 and $15,000 for any repeat offense within five years of a similar conviction.

Are wild turkeys dangerous?

Without being a danger to humans, the bird has a bad temper.

And as it invades urban areas, conflicts with pets and citizens increase. The turkey is also accused of destroying gardens and crops, in addition to damaging cars as it mainly attacks reflections.

Erik Peters/QMI AGENCY

Remember that the turkey that infiltrated the Outaouais resident’s home in 2016 smashed the window of her house.

It must be said that despite its weight, which varies from 4 to 8 kilos in winter, the wild turkey flies and runs quickly. In the air, it can travel at up to 88 kilometers per hour (km/h) over a short distance of around 400 meters. On land, it can reach 19 km/h.

“It is a bird with a large build and big wings (…). A turkey that runs at you, that tries to scare you, to impress you, if you do the same thing with a broom, for example, or something big, it should be afraid,” explains Mr. Campeau.


But can it really hurt?

“The dewclaws, a kind of hook located under the paws, can really hurt you, but for the rest, there is no real danger. I wouldn’t be afraid to face a turkey,” he says.

Are wild turkeys smart?

These birds are indeed “cunning”, according to expert Mario Huot.

“They can see more than a kilometer and have an innate sense of camouflage. With a vocabulary of more than 29 different sounds and cries,” the hunter told the Quebec Journal in April 2023.

In fact, the animal has three times better vision than humans, according to World Animal Protection. It sees entirely in color and has a field of vision of 270 degrees compared to ours which is barely 180 degrees.


And this bird which perches in trees at night does not like to be disturbed during its sleep by noises or lights.

“Don’t think they will forget all this in a few minutes, at sunrise,” says Mr. Huot. They will choose to land about 100 meters from you and will laugh by answering each of your calls without approaching. They will leave after a certain time, without asking for their remainder.”

Three loose facts to insert into a conversation

1. It is possible to differentiate males from females by their droppings.

Those of turkeys are shaped like the letter J, while those of turkeys are more of a spiral shape, according to World Animal Protection.

2. Their colors change depending on their mood.

It is possible to know the state of mind of males by the colors of their head, which varies according to the degree of excitement or anger of the animal. It can change from red, blue and white. A paler head corresponds to a calmer bird.

3. Turkeys eat rocks for digestion.

Since they have no teeth, they swallow small rocks to aid in the mechanical digestion of their food.

2024-02-29 21:27:54
#Heres #wild #turkeys


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