Women spend 1.3 times more time than men on domestic tasks – El Sol de México

The time that women spend working, both in paid employment and in household chores, is 1.3 times greater than that dedicated to men, and yet their salary remains lower, warned the National Council for the Evaluation of Employment Policy. Social Development (Coneval).

This difference is due to the unpaid work time they dedicate to the home, while women dedicated an average of 32 hours between 2016 and 2022, men only dedicated 14 hours.

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The World Bank revealed that women have only two-thirds of the legal rights that men enjoy

According to the System of Indicators on Poverty and Gender in Mexico, in seven years the gender gap in economic participation stood at a differential of approximately 30 percentage points, given that women had an average participation in the labor market of 50 percent and men 80 percent.

Female workers receive between 10 and 25 pesos less salary per hour than their male counterparts, depending on the poverty situation in which they find themselves.

The report, which was published for the first time in 2012 and this year presented 33 indicators, shows that the sexual division of labor is a structural factor that implies for women a greater vulnerability to finding themselves in a situation of poverty, while it restricts opportunities for their participation in the labor market and in other public spaces.

The Coneval report highlights that unpaid subordinate employment was up to twice as frequent in women compared to men, a situation that occurs mainly in workers over 65 years of age and in poverty.

The Coneval data coincides with a report recently released by the World Bank that reveals that the gender gap in the labor market is much wider than previously thought, given that women have only two-thirds of the legal rights to those that men enjoy.

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According to the report Women, Business and the Law, no country in the world provides equal gender opportunities, not even the richest economies. The institution reviewed 190 economies in its study, in which it incorporated two new indicators this year: safety from violence and access to child care services.

The agency found that women have only 64 percent of the legal protections that men have, a figure lower than the previous year, when it was 77 percent.

2024-03-08 11:00:00
#Women #spend #times #time #men #domestic #tasks #Sol #México


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