2024 Altay Prefectural Government “Trade Union Cup” Staff Games Kick Off with Excitement and Team Spirit

Altay News Network – Altay Regional Integrated Media Center (Reporter Dong Shiju, Internship Reporter Liu Huan) On April 25, the 2024 Altay Prefectural Government “Trade Union Cup” Staff Games opened.

With the theme of “Running to Pursue Dreams and Building a Beautiful Xinjiang”, the games included broadcast gymnastics, basketball, table tennis, badminton, air volleyball, football, tug-of-war and other competitions, attracting 1,230 participants from 102 teams from local government agencies. Players compete.

After the opening ceremony, basketball, football, air volleyball and other sports started. On the field, there is both a competition of strength and a contest of wisdom. Collaboration and competitiveness coexist, allowing cadres and workers to gain happiness and bloom vitality in sports, strengthen their confidence and gather together in exchanges and exchanges, and show their style in breakthroughs and transcendences. , win applause.

“This sports meeting aims to use sports activities to improve the physical fitness of cadres and workers, enhance their awareness of teamwork, and transform the determination to be the first, the confidence to overcome difficulties, the tenacious fighting style, and the spirit of unity and cooperation displayed in the competition into work “Motivation, fully demonstrate the positive spirit of employees in the new era,” said Chen Qiong, a fourth-level researcher of the regional trade union, “In the future, we will continue to carry out various sports activities to effectively enhance the happiness and sense of belonging of the majority of cadres and employees.”


2024-04-25 16:02:48
#opening #Altay #Prefectural #Government #Trade #Union #Cup #Staff #Games


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