Baixo Miño Sports Association Promotes Physical Activity Among Students Through Introduction to Fighting

Promote physical activity among students and bring them closer to different sports in an entertaining, enjoyable and fun way. That is one of the objectives of the Baixo Miño Sports Association (Agrudebam), which last week brought together more than 220 Primary children from different schools in Tomiño, O Rosal, Gondomar and Salceda in the Goián sports hall in a day of introduction to fighting.

For a whole morning, 4th grade students from the Tomiñese schools of Tebra, Barrantes, Pintor Antonio Fernández and the Plurilingual Pedro Caselles Beltrán participated in different activities. In addition, students from the CPI Manuel Suárez Marquier in O Rosal, the Altamira school in Salceda de Caselas and the Neira Vilas school in Gondomar also traveled to the sports facilities.

On this day, a total of 25 teams competed on five mats arranged in the Goián sports pavilion, where the children were able to enjoy wrestling in a simultaneous competition with very varied tests. The championship, called Xogaloita, seeks to “bring students closer to grappling sports, such as wrestling or judo, in a very playful way.” “And it is done through a competition that seeks fun and agility and that the participants can enjoy while they get started in these sports,” the organization states.

Thus, mixed teams made up of between five and nine players rotate between the different tests in which they must try to beat the opposing team. Among the activities that caught the kids’ attention the most is Da a volta a tortilla, a test in which one of the competitors has to try in less than ten seconds to turn over the opponent, who was placed face down on the canvas.

Fighting on their knees on the mat holding their elbows trying to knock down the opponent without releasing their grip, stealing a basketball using only the palms of their hands or grabbing the ponytail trying to steal the rival team’s tail without leaving the circle, were some of the tests that the students enjoyed in an entertaining sports day of coexistence. The activities were completed with the game of expelling from the area, in which, armed with soft shields, they had to push the rival to try to throw them out of the circle, or with the classic rope tug, in which four players from each team try to win by bringing the rope towards his side of the tapestry.

This was the second day of Xogaloita with which Agrudebam brings contact sports to young people. The first was held last March in Tui, where more than 130 participants competed. The program is framed in the sports activities organized by Agrudebam for the municipalities of Tomiño, O Rosal, Tui and Salceda de Caselas within the framework of the Xogade program of the Xeral Secretariat for Sports of the Xunta, an initiative that seeks to bring the deports the Galician students.

2024-04-09 05:38:57
#Children #Baixo #Miño #shape #fight


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