Barletta-Andria: hello Pedro, our brother!

Ultras values ​​such as brotherhood and aggregation are perceived above all in difficult moments, even more so in suffering. On the eve of the much felt derby between Barletta and Andria, through two very short press releases from their respective fans linked by an old twinning, unfortunately news arrives of the premature and unexpected death of Pedro, an ultras from Barletta who died at the age of 46 in his workplace due to a sudden illness .

The choice of the two fans is not to be present in the stands to process and mitigate the mourning by sharing and mutual respect, especially towards the broken life of one of Curva’s brothers. The match can only end in the alternative in the face of these tragic situations, the motivation and state of mind for a playful moment are literally lacking. For this reason, the cheering news can only end here, where the cheering stops out of respect for life and the death that has occurred because there is very little to enjoy and sing about, consequently little to tell.

Once again the ultras have demonstrated that they are what they are, anchored to concepts such as loyalty, fidelity, disinterest in the match in situations where the match inevitably matters little. Values ​​and choices that many outside the stadium struggle to understand or that at best they consider contradictory but which through intergenerational passage and sharing in the stands become a warning and an example in which the new generations approaching this world can grow. This is how the sense of community allows us to overcome individualism, this is how life continues and is renewed even in the stands and a brother of Curva always remains alive. In the memory and tradition of the group of him that survives. Have a nice trip Pedro.

Photo and text by Erredi

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2024-03-31 07:39:30
#BarlettaAndria #Pedro #brother


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