Behind the Curtain: Exclusive Interviews with Shen Yun Performing Arts Artists

[New Tang Dynasty News, Beijing time, April 4, 2024]The American Shen Yun Performing Arts Troupe is currently touring the world, and has been warmly welcomed and praised by audiences in Europe, Asia, Oceania, America and other places. Recently, the English-language Epoch Times reporter Mr. Jacky Yang conducted exclusive interviews with several Shen Yun artists to hear their stories.

Huang Jingzhou, lead dancer of Shen Yun Performing Arts: “Renaissance artists spent years just to create a piece of art, but their works inspired generations after generations. This is what we want to achieve.”

Yang Meilian, lead dancer of Shen Yun Performing Arts: “A Shen Yun performance is like the canvas coming to life, the colors are lifelike, and the music you hear seems to be coming to life. It’s not just seeing, it’s really an experience.”

Wang Chen, lead dancer of Shen Yun Performing Arts: “You have to maintain enthusiasm for every performance. I think this is the most difficult part, because as time goes by, for example, when you create a certain role, you have to go through practice, rehearsal, rehearsal, and finally If I present it to the audience, it may have been performed thousands of times. I remind myself: the audience can only see it once.”

Bao Zhengyu, a dancer from the Shen Yun Performing Arts Company: “I started dancing when I was fourteen. Before that, I had been playing baseball for about seven years. Baseball is not a very physical sport, and there are not so many heights. Intense exercise. When I joined Shen Yun and became a dancer, I had to train every part of my body and do various movements, jumping, flipping, dancing, which requires a lot of flexibility.”

Li Baoyuan, lead dancer of Shen Yun Performing Arts: “Why do we have such a strong sense of mission? Because Chinese traditional culture is almost lost. This is the culture that the CCP is trying its best to destroy. So, deep in our hearts, we feel that this is what we must do. This is something the world should see.”

Huang Jingzhou: “The most unforgettable performance should be when we toured Europe in 2018. One day, my dad called me and he said: “Hey, come backstage.” It turned out that my dad and grandpa were there Together, I haven’t seen my grandpa for almost ten years, because he still lives in China, and I haven’t been able to visit him for so many years. In fact, my grandpa walked past me because he didn’t recognize me. Grandpa I was very excited because this was the first time he saw me perform, and he said, “Well done, keep up the good work,” and then he said, “Shen Yun is hope.” This really touched me. Because he lives in China, The message we want to convey is hope to the Chinese people.”

Shen Yun Performing Arts dancer Bai Moli: “When you hear the feedback from the audience, you know that what you do can really move people and make them happy. That makes people very grateful.”

“American Thought Leaders” host Jekielek Yang: “Let’s talk about it, when you are almost perfect, you feel very good, but there are also bad times, and you feel psychologically stressed. How did you get over it?”

Shen Yun Performing Arts Lead Dancer Yang Meilian: “Everyone, no matter who they are, has to go through hard days, days when you don’t want to get out of bed. What really gives me hope and keeps me going is knowing that what I have done To be able to bring hope to other people, to be touching, to be inspiring, to know that what I do can make a difference in other people’s lives.” “Then that’s worth it to me. That’s really what keeps me going. “

Interview and report by NTDTV’s New York reporter station

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2024-04-04 15:53:14
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