Boca Juniors President Puts Pressure on Estudiantes for Semifinal Match Scheduling

04/21/2024 6:50 p.m. Updated on 04/21/2024 7:04 p.m.

The Super is not over yet. Boca still celebrates it. However, Diego Martínez’s team already has to think about the upcoming semifinal. And especially when and where to play against Estudiantes. And in that sense, Juan Román Riquelme, the xeneize president, put pressure on Pincha. Because?

To begin, There is a calendar that, in terms of rest for the semi-finals, works in favor of Estudiantes. Pincha will play at home this Tuesday for the Copa Libertadores against Gremio (at 7 p.m.). That is, without trips involved. Instead, Boca must go to Brazil for the Sudamericana to face Fortaleza on Thursday (at 9 p.m.). Therefore, he will return to the country only on Friday.

It is for this reason that Boca will ask not to play on Sunday and to do so on Monday. And although Riquelme did not talk about dates, he did leave a request for reciprocity to Estudiantes and, above all, to a peer of his like Juan Sebastián Verón.

“We will see when it is played, they also play for the Cup on Tuesday. I think Estudiantes will behave normally, like we did when the boy thing happened. (due to Javier Altamirano’s health situation), thank God nothing happened. The important thing was that he had nothing. We let Estudiantes handle themselves accordingly, to play when it seemed good to them. So here I don’t think we have a problem with both of us getting the necessary rest and being able to compete in the best way,” he said on ESPN.

In this way, Riquelme stated Boca’s position and clearly asked for a return of kindness for the way in which Xeneize behaved with the Altamirano situation. Then, it must be decided on which field it will be played and, in that sense, Everything indicates that it will be Kempes again because the other option, The Mother of Cities of Santiago del Estero, has its field in the process of replanting.

2024-04-21 21:50:16
#pressure #Riquelme #put #Estudiantes #semifinal #date #Olé


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