Bologna-Salernitana: those who believed in the past deserve a future

The very fast Bologna receives last season’s Salernitana in a desperate search for points for salvation which, unlike the sporting miracle of last season, seems increasingly unlikely. Even though the match was played on Monday 1 April at 12.30pm, Easter Monday, more than 26,000 spectators placed the match before the traditional barbecue, concentrated mainly in the popular sectors which had already sold out during the pre-sale phase.

The start of the race traditionally features an excellent scarf, flags of various sizes and two different poles, as well as the long “ENGHEL PRESENTE” banner, in memory of an old Bolognese fan who passed away over ten years ago. There are several other banners displayed in various areas of the curve but two are worth mentioning for their importance: i Forever they welcome the return of some long-serving suspects without forgetting those who are still forced to stay away; the second banner dedicates a thought to Monarone, a well-known Bolognese journalist and rossoblù fan who recently passed away.

On the pitch, Thiago Motta’s team easily wins 3-0 with the support that seems to increase in strength every day as the awareness of that fourth place in the standings increases which would mean the realization of that dream called Champions League. After the final whistle with Cremonini and then Lucio Dalla as background music, the players walk around the pitch to greet all the fans from all sectors, before finally stopping under the curve for a souvenir photo.

In the guest sector, almost 1,000 tickets were sold with the usual important contribution from non-venues. Siberian Curve, Always on the move e Ultras they are the flags that are most noticeable due to their size but many others of smaller dimensions contribute significantly to improving the glance of their curve. The terrible year on the pitch did not affect the support, which was always continuous and centered on several excellent chants, including some of an offensive nature. The scarf influenced by a participation that is not so broad or uniform is discreet, a litmus test of the declining moods of the Granata square, which perhaps will no longer believe in the present, but having always believed in the past, will be able to do so again in the next with the same faith future.

Luigi Bisio

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2024-04-05 17:56:01
#BolognaSalernitana #believed #deserve #future


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