Carabinieri Crack Down on Drug Crimes in Southern Italy

Since the beginning of March 2024, the Carabinieri of the Policoro Company have carried out extraordinary territorial control services aimed at repressing drug crimes, especially in places where young people, including minors, gather. The patrols of the Corps engaged in the specific activity, also through checkpoints located along the streets of the center of the 9 municipalities within the territory of the Company (Policoro, Scanzano Jonico, Montalbano Jonico, Nova Siri, Rotondella, Valsinni, Colobraro, Tursi and San Giorgio Lucano ), carried out numerous checks on car drivers and in places where young people gather. In Tursi, the Carabinieri of the local station noticed a 48-year-old local man in a car who, having noticed the Carabinieri patrol, accelerated and disappeared. Tracked down a few minutes later, he was trying to escape on foot, throwing a purse to the ground. The purse was immediately blocked and recovered, inside there was a wrapper with 3 doses of heroin. Not far away, the car in which he had disappeared was identified, which had its doors open and the driver’s side window down. Following a thorough search, the Carabinieri found a package containing 1 dose of cocaine and cutting substance, 1 syringe containing ready-to-use liquid heroin as well as material for weighing and packaging the doses, as well as a wooden baseball bat. The resulting checks on the origin of the car, without insurance and inspection, made it possible to ascertain its illicit origin; it had been stolen some time ago from a local woman. The narcotic substances and material found were seized. The arrested person, after the ritual formalities, was transferred to his home under house arrest, awaiting the validation hearing at the Court of Matera. The arrest was subsequently validated by the GIP of Matera, at the request of the local Public Prosecutor’s Office, with consequent application of the precautionary measure of house arrest where he still is. It should be noted that the investigations carried out so far are in any case in the preliminary investigation phase, and require of the subsequent procedural verification in the cross-examination with the defense. The result achieved is the result of the continuous and methodical surveillance and control activity conducted by the dependent departments of the Carabinieri Company of Policoro, coordinated by the Carabinieri Provincial Command of Matera, to prevent and combat the various forms of illegality, even in areas with low population density but still affected by widespread phenomena such as, in this specific case, drug dealing and consumption.

2024-04-02 10:31:08
#Policoro #Tursi #Carabinieri #checks #combat #drug #dealing #crimes


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