Carolina Marín Advances to Semifinals at Badminton European Championships

The Huelva native Carolina Marín found in the French Léonice Huet, number 70 in the world, the first serious obstacle at the badminton European championships that are held in Saarbrücken (Germany), but the Spanish (5) ffrom less to more and qualified for the semifinals with a 21-18 and 21-15 victory.

Marín stays like this two steps away from summing up his seventh consecutive continental title.

The Spaniard later declared that she had noticed “something strange in her knee”, which she defined as “a discomfort”, and that this had made her play. “somewhat insecure” and “with tension”.

However, His team ruled out any relationship with serious knee injuries suffered by Marín in the past and added that they were “specific inconveniences of today without further significance.”

Huet surprised Marín in the first game with the effectiveness of his blows, which did not allow him a single mistake. At 13-12, the Andalusian scored four points in a row that seemed definitive (17-12), but the gala got closer to one again (19-18), although Marín was not intimidated.

In the second set the three-time world champion went from 10-5 to 10-10. Marín was patient in working on each of the following points and Huet’s arm trembled at the decisive moment.

The Spanish he had to spend almost the same amount of time on this match (46 minutes), compared to the speed of their first two clashes together (23 and 35).

The Danish Julie Dawall Jakobsen, eighth seed, will be her rival on Saturday for a place in the final. Jakobsen defeated his compatriot Line Hojmark Kjaersfeldt, third seed, in her quarterfinal match by 10-21, 21-12 and 21-18.

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2024-04-12 15:43:33
#Carolina #Marín #overcomes #obstacle #semifinals #European #Championship


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