CECYTEG of Guanajuato Hosts Successful Robot Zumo Event for Students

The event was inaugurated by Mtra. Esther Angélica Medina Rivero, General Director, who urged the students to “believe it” and “give it a try” since without a doubt, technological opportunities, like never before, give the opportunity to innovate, as happens with this type of contests.

With the spectacular attendance of more than half a thousand participants, the increasingly popular competition was held, which tests the technical and technological skills of high school and higher education students.

Given the challenges posed by the emergence and development of new technologies, such as the so-called industry 4.0, where “intelligent” machines will be a fundamental part of the development of the economic activities of the future.

With the objective that the students of the School, as well as Educational Institutions at the educational levels of Basic, Higher Secondary and Higher Education, as well as teachers, participate in healthy competitions for the development of skills in educational robotics.

At the CECYTEG of Guanajuato, in the south of the city, for 10 years, events related to this purpose have been held, such as exhibitions and now, one of the largest Robot Zumo events in the country. Congratulations.

2024-04-27 05:40:35
#Artificial #Intelligence #replace #President #Andrés #Manuel #López #Obrador #GUANAJUATO


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