Celebrating the Legacy of the Zamarat Quarry: A Tribute to Zamorano Basketball

Tribute to the Zamarat quarry

April 28, 2024, 1:30 p.m.

The Zamarat quarry was the protagonist in the half-time that faced Recoletas against Azul Marino Viajes Mallorca in an Ángel Nieto who experienced the locals’ passage to the Final Four.

In the midst of the fight to continue towards the dream of promotion to the Endesa League, the rest time gave the opportunity to pay a sincere tribute to the promise of Zamorano basketball and the club itself. A triple recognition with which the club wanted to highlight the classification in the second phase, as well as the transition from Junior to Senior.

All this without forgetting the call to Laura Verdugo to take part in the Spanish Championship representing Castilla y León.

An example that Zamorano basketball has a lot to say, pride, passion and work from the lower categories.

2024-04-28 13:43:55
#Heartfelt #tribute #future #Zamorano #basketball


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