ChessUp 2: The Interactive Chess Board Revolutionizing Online Play

The online portal hardly needs an introduction. For a long time, it is the most popular chess platform in the world, on which you can measure your strength calmly even with opponents from the other side of the world.

Depending on your preferences, the games can last for a few minutes, but also for several days or even weeks.

ChessUp 2 was created to give you a more interactive experience with every game you play. Instead of clicking on a smartphone display or moving pieces with a mouse on a computer, you can make moves on a physical chessboard, which automatically converts them into an online game. It is linked directly to your account on the mentioned portal.

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Photo: archive of creators

Interactive chess board ChessUp 2

Virtual trainer

The opponent’s moves are recorded by lit squares directly on the chessboard. This way you can see exactly where you have to place the piece instead of your opponent on the physical keyboard. The respective squares also light up when you pick up one of your own pieces, as the player’s chess board indicates where exactly individual pieces can be moved. If you place the piece incorrectly, the board will not let you make the move, as can be seen in the product video at the beginning of this article.

Considering that, in addition to real opponents, you can also use ChessUp 2 to play with virtual shoes, so the novelty will also replace the function of a trainer. Basically, you can play all the games offered on the mentioned portal on this physical chessboard.

It is not necessary for the opponent to also have ChessUp 2, opponents can play on their computers and other devices.

There is a small touch screen on the side of the device, through which you can start and end games. It also works as a timer and game mode controller. With a bit of exaggeration, it can be said that you will no longer need a smartphone or a computer for gaming.

Photo: repro

Chess portal

They took out millions. And it’s not over yet…

If you are interested in the news and want to run to the store right away, hold back. You can’t buy it yet. The creators are raising money to start mass production through a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. It is already clear, however, that the novelty will actually begin to be produced, because the interest has exceeded expectations – without exaggeration, it is a million-dollar idea.

Originally, the creators demanded only 10,000 dollars (CZK 238,000) to start mass production. Although the campaign was only launched at the beginning of April and it will be possible to contribute for another 30 days, they already have $359,685 (8.5 million crowns) from more than 1,300 people. Considering the end of the campaign, it is more than likely that the amount collected will be significantly higher as a result.

Photo: repro Kickstarter

The Kickstarter campaign ends in 30 days

It is possible to contribute from one dollar (CZK 23.80), everyone who pays at least USD 199 (CZK 4740) will get ChessUp 2. The manufacturer promises to deliver the interactive chessboard to subscribers from the crowdfunding campaign during this November.

Before this year’s Christmas, the novelty should also appear in regular sales. But it will be significantly more expensive than on Kickstarter, the creators will charge $299 for it, i.e. roughly 7120 CZK.

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