Fire Breaks Out in Baseball Field Locker Rooms, Suspected Malicious Act

Smoke and flames in the locker rooms of the baseball field, furniture and equipment on fire. A malicious act cannot be ruled out. The fire broke out yesterday afternoon, around 4pm, in via Sacripanti, in the sports center located near the Avalon pizzeria, between Brecce Bianche and Q3. Passers-by called 115, they saw the smoke coming out, and also some kids running away. The facility was closed, none of the people who have it in use were inside.

The flames broke out in a changing room and also reached the corridor. The heat and smoke then spread into the adjacent rooms causing a lot of damage. The electrical system and furniture were out of order for an affected area of ​​150 square metres. The firefighters, with two tankers, and the police arrived on the scene. The shutdown operations continued until after 7pm. The sports club that manages the facility, Asd Baseball Club Ancona, was notified. One of their contacts reached the facility reporting that no one had been in there for days.

In February the firefighters were in an adjacent changing room, that of the tennis courts, because another fire had broken out. The police investigate to understand the nature. No leads are ruled out, from vandalism to intentional acts to a short circuit even if nothing was turned on.

The damage is extensive. The structure is owned by the municipality which will have to restore the state of the places. Then the investigations will take their course to understand if someone voluntarily wanted to set fire to the sports facility.

my. worm.

2024-04-27 04:43:48
#baseball #field #changing #rooms #fire #arson #trail


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