in video, Sebastian Steudtner tames a 28 meter wave, record in sight

By Ad.B.

Published 50 minutes ago, Updated 27 minutes ago

The Nazaré surf spot, recognized for its impressive waves, in October 2020. Henrique Casinhas / Zuma / Panoramic

The German, already recognized as the man who surfed the highest wave in the world, could have improved his record at the end of February in Nazaré, Portugal. Experts have yet to approve it.

Always higher. In October 2020, Sebastian Steudner broke the world record for the highest wave ever surfed, by taming a roller of 26.21 meters. It was in Nazaré, Portugal, a spot famous around the world for its impressive swell. On February 24, the 38-year-old German would have done even better by surfing a wave of 28.57 meters, two meters more than his previous record.

The height of this wave, calculated by Steudner’s team, must still be validated by experts. His 2020 record was not approved… until 2022. In the meantime, the images remain spectacular.


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