Italian Champions UnipolSai Surprised at Home by Rovigo: A Recap of Ten Innings at Gianni Falchi

Ten innings, at Gianni Falchi, to warm up bats and gloves. Italian champions UnipolSai, who started the season a little later than usual, were surprised at home by Rovigo, 1-3. All the points conceded by the starter, Pippo Crepaldi, then replaced by Maurizio Andretta, Alex Bassani and the young Cantelli.

Without foreigners, let alone EU citizens, the UnipolSai manager, Daniele Frignani, used Samuele Gamberini (catcher), Gilberto Borghi (first base), Pablito Suarez (only 14 years old for the second baseman), Tommaso Giacomini (shortstop) on the diamond. and Francesco Fuzzi (third base). On the outside, with captain Lorenzo Dobboletta, there were the other veterans Riccardo Bertossi and Filippo Agretti (recovery after shoulder surgery).

2024-04-02 05:11:19
#Baseball #test #UnipolSai #defeated #Rovigo


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