Juve Stabia-Messina: one step away from Serie B

According to mathematics, it is not yet time to celebrate, even if Benevento has just been held to a draw in Teramo by Monterosi: despite winning, Juve Stabia would bring their advantage to eleven points when there would be another four days and twelve points to go. disposition. Not bad, dreams are not just a matter of calculations but are fueled by emotions and at the “Menti” in Castellammare di Stabia you really experience a lot of them on this pre-Easter Saturday afternoon.

Stadium practically sold out: of the current capacity reduced to 7,642 seats, there are very few empty spaces with just a few holes on the sides of the covered grandstand. Around one hundred and fifty people from Messina arrived in Campania, not their best trip in terms of numbers of the season, but always an excellent demonstration of loyalty to the cause for a fan base that, like all the islanders, always has to take on quite a few logistical difficulties at every match away from home.

The home Curva Sud presents itself at kick-off with a typically Argentine look, with many yellow and blue plastic bands attached vertically along the entire sector, a stylistic choice that is very reminiscent of the “tirantes” of the South American Barras. To load up his eleven before the start of hostilities, a heavy smoke bomb further colors the stadium yellow and blue. Once this chromatic peak has been removed, the Stabiese fans do not relaunch in any other way with scarves, banners or full-bodied flag waving, relying above all on all-sector clapping, very participatory, powerful and beautiful to look at. An overflowing Juve Stabia on the pitch helps their support which is always positive and stands out in particular for the choir to the tune of “L’italiano” by Toto Cutugno, truly successful and followed by everyone.

It’s difficult for the people from Messina to make themselves heard in a bowl boiling with support like this one but in the end the Giallorossi do their duty and sing throughout the match, managing to make themselves heard mostly during the moments of pause of the opposing fans. In an inverse proportion, the result that is never in question affects their mood but in the end their performance is undoubtedly to be respected.

Respect between the parties and a big celebration at the end of the match with the chants and clapping followed by the entire team. Now the return to Serie B is just a matter of moments.

Text by Paolo Furrer
Photos by Paolo Furrer and Salvatore Izzo

Galleria Furrer:

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2024-04-01 16:55:00
#Juve #StabiaMessina #step #Serie


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