Lazio, Immobile: “Devastating season, team shaken up after Sarri’s departure”

Ciro Immobilecaptain of Lazio, presented himself to the microphones of DAZN after the defeat in the derby: “Even in the first half we had potential opportunities, unfortunately the derby is a very tense and tight game. You should turn everything that happens into a goal. We are saddened, the fans certainly deserved something different especially considering the ups and downs that we have had in the season. It could have been a nice springboard to finish the year well also from a personal point of view but instead there was also this injury, unfortunately the negative things never come one at a time, but all together, so we have to grit our teeth.”

What is missing?
“We are missing potential opportunities, unfortunately we are not able to express the offensive phase at our best. We are not very dangerous, but not only today, also in the two matches against Juventus. Having changed so quickly and having suffered everything that has happened Around Sarri’s farewell this upset us a bit. We weren’t able to reverse the situation on an emotional level and we’ll take this onto the pitch.”

What season was it?
“In general for me it’s a very broad discussion, but it can be summed up with the fact that we weren’t good enough at keeping that pace when things were going well, having the same mentality and the same determination in the continuity of results and performances because this in the Over the course of the season it gives you an extra point even when you don’t deserve it, it creates a different environment in the locker room and a non-hostile atmosphere even between us and the fans, allowing you to play in a more serene way, while if you carry heavy consequences with you like those given by the defeats against Udinese or Salerno, draws thrown away and defeats in a bad way, it’s obvious that all these things put together then you pay for them.”

Where to start from to find the real property?
“I’m always used to thinking positively but it’s obvious that a season like this, with injuries, missed goals and disappointing performances, also brings down guys like me, being very self-critical it was devastating from a negative point of view but at the same time you have to stay clear, focus on how I am physically, what I can still give for this shirt. What I have done and can it be done again. All these rumors and chatter that I hear about myself are there, they all come out in negative moments but they have also come out in the past and then disappeared into thin air when things started to go the right way again. You have to be balanced, have the utmost confidence. I still have two years left on my contract, we’ve just changed a new coach and it’s not easy for him to change the way he plays either We have a month left to finish well and then start thinking about next year.”

Last derby for you?
“I have always said that as long as I am able to give something to Lazio I will do so, given my history here which cannot be erased with a snap of the fingers, obviously it is not as easy as it was perhaps in the past but we will probably make it become easy again when things get better.”

Was there anything that made you nervous in the finale?
“I’m not sure, but I saw a bit of chaos. Derby-type things, then there is way and way of celebrating: there are those who do it with style and those who don’t, but these are points of view.”

2024-04-06 22:04:00
#Lazio #Immobile #Devastating #season #team #shaken #Sarris #departure


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