Lonely hearts attract dating apps – El Sol de México

As virtual dating applications look for new ways to relate or interact with users, Timeleft, the European phenomenon of dinners and blind dates, has just arrived in Mexico. Laura Cano, head of the company in the country, assured that the goal is to achieve more than 200 thousand appointments by the end of the year globally.

“The objective is to remove the feeling that we are increasingly distancing ourselves from society or people. There are those who only work from home and do not have the opportunity to go out,” said the executive in an interview with El Sol de México.

In the country, it is estimated that at least 9.1 million Internet users have found a partner through social networks or dating applications such as Tinder and Bumble, according to the study Love in the Times of Telecom by The Competitive Intelligence Unit (The CIU).

According to the survey, 66.8 percent of Internet users in the country, equivalent to 62 million, currently have a partner, and of this population 14.7 percent met them through a digital dating platform.

The model of each platform is similar: create a profile to connect with another person. In addition to the subscription price, which is between 99 and more than 500 pesos depending on the plan, there are applications that offer video calls, connection preferences or filtered searches for each user.

On Bumble, men can choose the partner they find attractive, but it is women who decide whether or not to accept that message and start a conversation. Badoo, another dating app, has a feature that notifies people if they bump into someone else on the street who is also a user of the platform, thus increasing the chances of connection.

The CIU analysis specifies that at least four out of every 10 users who found a partner on these platforms made an average monthly payment of 245.83 pesos, in order to have unlimited “likes” and for the algorithm to make them more visible.

In the case of Timeleft, users register and once they personalize their profile, the application is responsible for scheduling an in-person dinner with like-minded people.

However, the interaction occurs until the day of the appointment, which is usually scheduled every Wednesday at a restaurant in Mexico City. The meeting point is chosen by the platform, based on commercial alliances and reviews from other users. “The age range is from 22 to 55 years old, mostly tourists or people who are just starting their professional career and are willing to discover and try new adventures,” explained Laura Cano.

For the Timeleft board, the platform’s interaction model combines the latest technology and the “magic of meeting people face to face.”

The company was born only in 2023 in Portugal, and currently operates in England, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland, the United States, Brazil and Argentina. In Mexico, it is planned that in addition to the capital it will have activities in Tijuana, Cancún, Oaxaca, Monterrey and Mérida.

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Unlike the other latitudes where Timeleft operates, the board specified that Mexicans seek to connect in the application to be able to practice languages ​​or learn about another culture.

For her arrival in the country, Laura Cano explained that the company took into account the tourist attractions and gastronomy, which can be a good incentive when having a date inside or outside the application.

2024-04-27 09:00:00
#Lonely #hearts #attract #dating #apps #Sol #México


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