Marbury Inspires Hong Kong Youth: Basketball Exchange with Beijing Star

Original title: Basketball youth from Hong Kong housing estates visit Beijing star Marbury for on-site warm-hearted guidance

Workers’ Daily Client, April 1 (Workers’ Daily – China Industry Network reporter Li Yuanhao) On the afternoon of April 1, 30 people gathered together to participate in the Hong Kong Sports Fund’s “Village JUMP!” 》Students of the Estate Basketball League and Training Program visited Beijing and had live exchanges with NBA/CBA star Marbury at THE BOX Chaowai Youth Center, and received personal guidance from the latter.

Ningdong Hong Kong Sports Foundation (hereinafter referred to as Ningdong) held the Beijing exchange program for the second year. This year’s plan was co-sponsored by the “Greater Bay Area Common Home Youth Charity Foundation” and the “Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation”, and was also sponsored by the “Beijing Overseas Friendship Association”, Supported by “Chaoyang District Overseas Friendship Association” and “Hong Kong and Beijing Federation of Societies”. They organized 30 “Village JUMP!” from March 31st to April 4th! 》Students of the housing estate basketball league and training program visited the capital Beijing and conducted a series of visits and exchange activities using basketball as an entry point to learn about the latest development of the country and cultivate their feelings for home and country.

The 30 students participating in this visit to Beijing include 18 boys and 12 girls, aged between 13 and 19 years old. Only one girl has visited Beijing before, and the remaining 29 people have visited the capital of the motherland for the first time.

Basketball has become the best communication bridge. On April 1, young students first visited the Chinese Basketball Association in the morning to visit and study, and listened to Xu Jicheng, vice chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association, describing the mission of physical education.

In the afternoon, the students came to THE BOX Chaowai Youth Literacy Center. The BOX, which combines art exhibitions, trendy clothing, urban sports and other fashion scenes, dazzled the students who set foot here for the first time. They all said: “This is simply a fashion holy place, and we are very happy to be here.”

Basketball legend Marbury, who has played in the NBA and CBA leagues and coached in China for many years, also appeared here and talked with the young students for more than ten minutes. Marbury said: “Mainland China is full of opportunities for Hong Kong, especially young people who like basketball, and I am very happy to be a bridge connecting them.” He encouraged these grassroots students to first maintain an optimistic attitude, and at the same time Go out more to understand and learn about the outside world.

Through exchanges with the Chinese Basketball Association and Marbury, the young students realized that basketball can really be a link to expand their own horizons and connect with the world. The motherland and the world are full of basketball opportunities. Marbury himself is the best example. During the event, he said: “I am from the United States, but I also have honorary citizenship in Beijing. In addition to becoming a player and coach in the Chinese Professional League, I also continue to invest in the construction of Chinese basketball. , this cause is not limited to Hong Kong and Mainland China, but the entire Chinese world.”

Marbury, who successfully applied for Hong Kong’s “High-end Talent Pass Program” in November last year, was also appointed by Ningdong as the “Village JUMP!” “ambassador. For “Village JUMP!” founded in 2019! “, Marbury also spoke highly of it: “”Village JUMP!” is the first housing estate basketball league in Hong Kong. I am honored to be able to participate in it and help these children from the grassroots who love basketball pursue their dreams and Encouraging them to establish contact with the mainland is also a small step in the construction of Chinese basketball.”

In addition to friendly exchanges, Marbury also gave one-hour basketball technical guidance to the students in the Ningdong exchange program. They warmed up together, trained together, and played a friendly match. The two teams went back and forth, and the fight was very intense.

After more than an hour of exchange activities, the young students from Hong Kong were sweating profusely and gained a lot. Huang Junxi from the Shek Lei Elite Team said: “This activity is very meaningful. You can learn different basketball knowledge. For example, Marbury taught us a lot of basketball skills and psychological construction during the game.”

It was the first time for many students to travel by plane. Through this visit to Beijing and exchanges with basketball, they had a deeper understanding of basketball and more knowledge of the development of the motherland. Huang Zhengan, a member of the Yingdong Breaking Team, said: “In the next few days, we will visit the Forbidden City and other scenic spots. I am very eager to use this opportunity to learn more about the culture and history of the motherland. This visit to the prosperous and fashionable THE BOX also made me feel A vibrant side of our country.”

Liu Xuyang from Taihe Legend is a 14-year-old girl. She said in an interview: “I originally felt that the NBA was far away from me. Through this exchange, I learned that stars like Marbury were once ordinary players.” People have become basketball superstars through their own efforts. This also inspired me to work hard.”

2024-04-02 02:02:29
#Basketball #youths #Hong #Kong #housing #estates #visit #Beijing #star #Marbury #onsite #warmhearted #guidanceSportsChina #Engineering #Network


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