Nerazzurri Coach Alberto Aquilani Previews Tomorrow’s Match Against Bari: A Difficult Challenge Ahead

From the press room of the Arena Garibaldi, Nerazzurri coach Alberto Aquilani previews the topics of tomorrow’s match against Bari. Below are his statements

What do you expect from this match? Bari has just changed coach.

“An important match awaits us. A match in a particular environment with a difficult situation. There are many unknowns and dynamics that will lead us to activate our attention at maximum levels.”

How is the team? Torregrossa?

“Torregrossa is unfortunately out, let’s hope it’s nothing serious. For the rest they are all available.”

You’ll find Caracciolo, Canestrelli and Leverbe again, but could those players who did well with Feralpisalò also be starters?

“There is a rule here. The ballot is daily, we make choices based on training and the matches we play. The choices fall on what we see during the week.”

He often talks about mental focus during the match. There are five days to go, we are one point away from the playoffs. Do the kids believe it?

“How can I say no? Despite all the difficulties, the boys had a correct attitude, leading them to make the best of this job. We look each other in the eye telling each other that we have fallen into some situations that have hurt us and we must make sure that these situations do not happen again. It’s an important moment, the ranking asks us to give our best and we must give our best. In a thousand different ways.”

How well does Pisa know its limits?

“When we analyze the matches and the various situations, we know that the limits must be reduced with work. The important thing is that footballers, like me, are always aware. You then need that depth and the hunger to want to achieve something, this is what helps you overcome the limits.”

What year has this been for you?

“I would like to answer you in a more concrete way in a bit, at the end of the season. What I can guarantee is that it has been a full year, of things to do, to overcome. A marathon also full of potholes, sometimes my fault, sometimes due to bad luck or other situations. It’s been a year that leaves me feeling a lot. It’s the first year, but I think I’ve done at least five years in one.”

And how has the team changed?

“Many times even the results lead us to think differently. The focus on the ranking, results and points leads us to see something negatively that might not actually be so. I believe there is a balance in seeing things. Today, however, I can say that we are at the beginning of the last kilometer.”

Is there a game that you can help describe the season so far?

“Lecco and Spezia at home. In my opinion, two excellent matches that brought us zero points. You kicked a lot on goal, but then you lacked some attention and things went badly. Ruining what was a well played match. However, just as there are these types of matches, there are others in which we wouldn’t have deserved, like another match against Spezia, the first leg.”

Focusing on the last two away matches, Como and Brescia, perhaps the initial approach could be even more important, don’t you think?

“Having a great match also means starting well or finishing well. The start is a component of the factor that can enclose a great match. It will not be easy. There will be good players on the other side. Whoever is hungrier will win.”

Let’s talk about choices. Nicolas and Loria, who will play between them?

“These are ballots, they give us doubt because we have so many good ones. Loria and Nicolas are two very reliable goalkeepers. Nicolas did very well in the last game and we want to give him continuity. I will choose based on the moment and the match. This goes for everyone.”

With the return of Caracciolo and Canestrelli, one of the doubts is that of the three-man defense or is there any certainty?

“It’s an aspect that I think can vary during the race”

How is Tramoni?

“Matteo is improving and must continue to work. He is available and he can really give us a lot”.

Did you expect De Rossi to do so well in Rome, creating such a synergistic environment that you dream of bringing to Pisa too?

“I have always known Daniele. He has a high intelligence and catapulted himself into a difficult situation with great professionalism. He has demonstrated that he knows how to do this job in a place that is as difficult as it is beautiful and close to him. A coach dreams of this, of going to a place and creating one with the people. Many problems also prevented us from reaching it, but I hope to make it.”

We close by talking about Bari which is experiencing an unexpected season

“This year has made me understand that nothing is taken for granted. We must give value to victories, points and the path of a team. They changed four coaches after playing a final, which shows that it is a very difficult championship. Spal and Benevento were relegated last year. Nothing can be left to chance. We understood this and approached the second round in the correct way. We face a team built for different objectives, it will be a very difficult match.”



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