NFL Players to Have Option to Wear ‘Guardian Caps’ during 2024 Season for Increased Safety and Concussion Reduction

Sports Editorial, Apr 26 (EFE).- Jeff Miller, executive vice president of health and safety of the NFL, reported this Friday that players will be able to choose to wear ‘Guardian Caps’ during games of the 2024 season.

“We have two years of data showing significant reductions in concussions among players who wear Guardian Caps during practices, so players will be allowed to wear these protections in games next season,” Miller said. .

The ‘Guardian Caps’ are padded covers that the NFL implemented in team training to reduce the number of concussions during the preseason.

Last season the NFL did not allow these protections to be used during regular season games, something that will change this year according to what was said by the league’s vice president of health and safety.

These safety measures join those announced by the NFL on April 9 of new helmet models with more advanced technology to reduce the number of concussions.

Players will be able to choose between 12 helmet models depending on the position they occupy on the field.

“This year there are new helmets that provide greater protection per position, which combined with ‘Guardian Caps’ will increase the level of safety. These developments represent substantial progress in our efforts to make the game safer for players,” he said. the manager.

Eight of the 12 helmet models are specially designed for quarterbacks, offensive and defensive linemen, which are some of the elements that have the greatest continuity of contact in each game.

It remains to be seen how many players choose to wear the ‘Guardian Caps’ in a sport that is characterized by the visual display of the uniform in which the helmet is the main attraction.

(c) EFE Agency

2024-04-26 19:57:00
#NFL #announces #players #choose #wear #Guardian #Caps #season


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