Paris Metro Stations Play April Fools’ Joke with Olympic-Themed Name Changes

Several Paris metro stations They woke up this Monday with their names changedtransformed into variants with Olympic connotationsas a joke for April 1, which in France and other countries is equivalent to Day of the Holy Innocents.

The busy station Nation Plaza thus became ‘Swimming’at from Trocadero in ‘Trocanoë’ and of Crimea in ‘Escrimée’among the most notable examples.

The change was the work of employees of the operating company of the metro network, RATPwhich confirmed on social networks that it is a prank for the first of apriltaking advantage of the fact that the great event of 2024 in Paris will be the Olympic Games that will be held this summer.

“This year, everyone is doing sports!” Indian RATP on the social network X.

That transport company had already carried out pranks of this type in the past on the first of April, a tradition known in France as ‘April Fool’ (April fish, in its literal translation into Spanish), where one of the most popular jokes is steal pieces of paper on the backs of others.

Other stops that changed their name in tribute to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games were those of Victor Hugo, who today is ‘Victor Judo; Solférino, converted into ‘Surférino’, or that of Alexandre Dumas, transformed into ‘Alexandre Dumarathon’.

(With information from EFE)

2024-04-01 18:16:37
#Paris #give #Olympic #names #Parisian #metro #stations #Video


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