Revitalizing the Workers’ Cultural Palace: A Model for Employee Service Excellence

Original title: The Workers’ Cultural Palace in Licang District, Qingdao has been put into trial operation to serve 900,000 employees in one year (title)

“Four Constructions and Four Managements” revitalizes the main service front (theme)

Yang Mingqing Workers Daily-China Industry Network reporter Zhang Qiang

“Don’t be an ungrounded ‘Bai Fumei’, but be the main position that truly serves employees.” This was the tone set by the District Federation of Trade Unions at the beginning of the renovation of the Workers’ Cultural Palace in Licang District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province.

“The market resources at that time were not optimistic, and many professional teams were not optimistic about the operating prospects of the Cultural Palace. However, after more than a year of trial operation, it has served more than 900,000 employees and had an operating balance of more than 1 million yuan. The Workers’ Cultural Palace has become ‘viable’ from the beginning. No one cared about it until now it is crowded with people.” said a relevant person from the District Federation of Trade Unions.

In more than a year, how did you achieve the leap from relying on labor union funding to now earning one million yuan a year on your own? This starts with the Licang District Workers’ Cultural Palace exploring the “four constructions and four managements” operating model.

The Licang District Workers’ Cultural Palace was formerly the Hushan Stadium. It is located in the old city and is surrounded by dense residential areas and office buildings. Due to historical legacy and other reasons, the stadium has been abandoned for 10 years, and there are no other venues for employee mass activities in the surrounding area.

“At that time, this was an abandoned old building. The interior was dimly lit, dilapidated and messy. When I walked around, my head was covered with spider webs.” Standing in the spacious, bright and modernly decorated venue, the deputy director of the Licang District Federation of Trade Unions Chairman Li Enna recalled.

After receiving the renovation task, the operating model of the Workers’ Cultural Palace troubled the leadership of the Licang District Federation of Trade Unions. The Workers’ Cultural Palace has long relied on trade union funding, but the traditional management model can no longer adapt to the work requirements of the new era. After extensive research, combined with regional characteristics and surrounding market demand, the District Federation of Trade Unions proposed a “four construction and four management” operating model with independent operation, entrusted operation, cooperative operation and market operation as the main content.

“I build, I manage” mainly highlights public welfare services, relying on public areas such as outdoor sports fields and cultural and sports centers to open free empowerment classrooms, urban study rooms, benefit stations, employee viewing halls, mental health rooms, outdoor sports fields, fitness paths, etc. It provides cultural entertainment, spiritual publicity, psychological counseling and other services to employees.

“I build it and others manage it” is for badminton halls, basketball halls, fitness halls, roller skating rinks and other sports venues. The Workers’ Cultural Palace is responsible for the construction, decoration and maintenance of the venues. Professional teams bring their own equipment and talents to operate the venues. The Workers’ Cultural Palace charges less than The market’s venue cooperation costs are shared, model workers and craftsmen can enjoy free services, and employees can enjoy a 20% discount on labor prices.

“He builds and others manage” is more suitable for high-quality enterprise management teams to undertake the preliminary construction and subsequent operations of the Workers’ Cultural Palace Health Management Center, outdoor parking lots, car charging piles, etc., and jointly share social and public responsibilities.

“Co-construction and co-management” strengthens multi-party collaboration between the party and government, trade unions, social organizations, and professional institutions to achieve the sharing of public resources, exchange of activity information, and simultaneous promotion of service levels. For example, it has worked with the Organization Department of the District Party Committee to build a service base for party and worker co-construction of the new employment group “Red New Frontier”, and regularly carries out party building activities, skills training, etc.

In order to improve the service quality and efficiency of the operation team, the Workers’ Cultural Palace has formulated the “Comprehensive Performance Appraisal Methods for Cooperative Operation Service Projects” and “Appraisal Rules”, which will reduce the site cooperation sharing fee for 1 to 3 months for those who have passed the assessment or above. Those who fail the assessment will be exempted. or terminate cooperation.

At the same time, the Licang District General Office implemented the “union cadre contract responsibility system” and assigned cooperative operation service projects to workers’ cultural palace cadres on a “one-to-one” basis, who were responsible for the supervision of specific matters such as safety, sanitation, services, and operations, and Link the assessment results of cooperative operation service projects with the personal assessment of cadres to form a community of interests and force cadres to assist cooperative units in providing service work.

“We are more like a property steward. The union provides the venue and is responsible for basic operations and maintenance such as water, electricity, heating, and infrastructure maintenance. We not only have a supervisory role, but also provide various services to cooperative operating units.” Li Enna introduced that since its opening in September 2022, Licang District Workers’ Cultural Palace has recruited 8 professional operation teams to provide employees and their children with professional cultural and sports services such as badminton, basketball, fitness, and football. We have absorbed social resources to build a health management center, outdoor parking lot, and fast charging pile service area to provide employees, especially workers with new employment forms, with health diagnosis and treatment, car charging, accommodation and dining, hairdressing and bathing services at preferential prices. In conjunction with the Organization Department of the District Committee and the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, we built the “Red New Frontier” party-worker co-construction base and the “Gig Workers’ Home” to organize workers with new employment forms to carry out party member learning, skills training, job competitions and other activities to provide opportunities for outsiders to Migrant workers are provided with services such as employment guidance and rights protection guidance.

“The ‘four constructions and four managements’ model not only allowed the Workers’ Cultural Palace to turn losses into profits and increase asset value, but also further enriched the social resources of the trade union and helped us develop more professional and diversified comprehensive services.” Li Enna said that with the professional As teams continue to settle in, the Workers’ Cultural Palace plans to rely on 55 cultural and sports service stations in the community to carry out service activities such as “sports caravans” to the grassroots. Through the sinking of advantageous resources, more employees can enjoy more professional and convenient labor-friendly services at their doorsteps.

2024-04-06 02:33:58
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