Shooting: Rossi writes to Abodi ‘tax free prizes for amateurs’ – Other Sports

He does not rule out allocating, following the example of ‘World Athletics’, cash prizes for the winners of gold medals at the next Olympics; meanwhile Luciano Rossi, president of the ISSF, the world shooting federation, takes on the role of No. 1 of Fitav, the national shooting body, and writes to the Minister of Sport, Andrea Abodi to ask him to work towards ensuring that “taxation on prizes for amateur athletes (which is 20% ed.) be eliminated”. Or that at least the draft amendment circulated last August be applied, i.e. “the application of an exemption threshold – Rossi writes to the Minister of Sport – of 300 euros for each prize”.

But even if this were the case, Rossi points out that “it is not clear why prizes linked to pure luck, such as Enalotto, Scratch and Win, various lotteries and bingo, enjoy an exemption range of 500 euros while that for sportsmen would be 300”.

In fact, according to the president of Fitav, a lucky win cannot be favored over “an amateur who pays everything out of his own pocket to train during the week and maybe gets up at dawn on Sunday to take part in a competition and maybe wins a prize “.

Meanwhile, with the current rules, underlines Rossi, “all the amateur associations in our area are becoming burdened with bureaucracy, which are almost always managed by volunteers and enthusiasts, certainly not prepared to manage a further load of administrative procedures (such as the thousands of self-certifications from amateur athletes who will declare that they have not received more than 300 euros per year)”. Thus the Asd, not only those of shooting but in general, are burdened “with an excessive and completely useless bureaucracy”, and Rossi therefore hopes that his request does not fall on deaf ears: “I will insist – he says – in this ‘battle’ of mine until they listen to me.”

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2024-04-10 16:09:24
#Shooting #Rossi #writes #Abodi #tax #free #prizes #amateurs #Sports


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