Successful Results for San Bartolomeo Archers at 18 Meter Interregional Indoor Race in Genoa

Today in Genoa at the Maragliano sports hall an 18 meter interregional indoor race took place. The San Bartolomeo archers participated and achieved good results.

In the Olympic division, second place senior for Fabio Furlanetto and third place for Andrea D’Amico. Among the students, eighth place went to Alessio Cioria.

Let’s move on to the bare bow division. Among the senior women, third place went to Lucia Lenzi. Among the men’s masters, second place for Cesare Prette, third place for Maurizio Gabrielli, seventh place for Giuseppe Capalbo, eleventh place for Davide Piana. The men’s master team ranks second with Prette, Gabrielli, Capalbo.

2024-03-24 07:00:00
#match #Sunday #yellowblue #archers #San #Bartolomeo


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