The Barça fan who gave the Nazi salute will appear for a crime punishable by up to 5 years in prison

The two Barça fans detained in Paris have already left the police station this Thursday. The young man who made the monkey gesture has been released without charges, while the one who gave the Nazi salute must appear for a crime of apology of a crime, punishable by sentences of up to five years in prison in France. This has been indicated to El Periódico de Catalunya, from the same editorial group as this newspaper, by sources from the prosecutor’s office in the French capital. These incidents occurred on Wednesday night at the Parc des Princes during the Barça’s victory (2-3) against Paris Saint-Germain, in the first leg of the quarterfinals of the Champions.

The Paris police prefecture had announced this morning the arrest of two followers of the FC Barcelona for crimes of “war crime apology” and “racist public insult.” Since Wednesday night, videos of Barcelona fans circulating on social media, one of them repeatedly giving the Nazi salute and another, the monkey gesture. They maintained those behaviors in the stands while They were addressed to fans of the rival team. Although the identity of the detainees has not been confirmed, they probably correspond to the same ones seen in the viral videos.

Must appear later

A few hours later, sources from the Parisian prosecutor’s office specified that the young man who gave the Nazi salute “has been summoned again” for a future appearance for “facts that may lead to an apology for a crime.” This crime can be punished in France with sentences of up to five years in prison and fines of 45,000 euros. The events that occurred at PSG-Barça They remember those that occurred in the PSG-Juventus of 2022. Then, security forces detained two Italian fans for the same reasons. One of them was fined 4,000 euros and another 1,500.

During the last decade, a strong rivalry has been built between the Parisian team and the Catalan team. Barça’s historic comeback from 6-1 in March 2017, Neymar’s departure to the French capital that same year, Messi’s arrival in Paris in 2022… All of these episodes have reinforced the sporting enmity between PSG and Barça. Nonetheless, no major incidents occurred in Wednesday’s exciting match. Beyond the regrettable gestures of a minority of the 2,000 culés who cheered on the Barcelona team at the Parc des Princes.

2024-04-11 20:23:58
#Barça #fan #gave #Nazi #salute #crime #punishable #years #prison


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