the company responsible for maintaining the Girondins de Bordeaux training ground slams the door for unpaid bills

By Ad.B.

Published 29 minutes ago, Updated now

The professional pitch at the Haillan training center, in Gironde. Quentin Salinier / Quentin Salinier / Panoramic

SCAN SPORT – Sud Ouest reports that the service provider in charge of the professional field, not paid for several months, left Le Haillan on Monday with his equipment.

The Girondins de Bordeaux are hard to see, on and off the field. Stuck in Ligue 2 since their descent at the end of the 2021-2022 season, the Marine et Blanc must also face a delicate financial situation. To the point of not being able to pay the company responsible for maintaining the professional field at the Haillan training center, reports South West .

The local daily ensures that the service provider in question left the training center on Monday with all of his equipment, including mowers, tractors and excavators. The icing on the cake is that the watering pump, broken several weeks ago, has still not been repaired.

With two consecutive defeats against Bastia (2-3) and Saint-Etienne (2-1) during the last two days, the Bordelais, 14th in the ranking, have abandoned all hope of making the climb at the end of the season. They will have to play a third season in a row in the second division and will probably be forced to sell their best players to ensure their sustainability.


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