The Controversial Goal: Agustín Cáffaro Provides Key Evidence in Boca vs River Clash

04/21/2024 8:29 p.m. Updated on 04/21/2024 8:56 p.m.

The triumph with which Boca managed to eliminate River from the Professional League Cup He left several issues to discuss. One of them was the controversy that occurred seven minutes into the second half, when it seemed that Martín Demichelis’ team had taken the lead with a goal against Cristian Lema. But it was not like that: the VAR determined that the ball did not go in, although some images give a different impression. Now, even a player from the Argentine basketball team gave his opinion on the matter: He provided key evidence to end the case.

This is Agustín Cáffaro, today at the Brianza Casa Basket in Italy, who shared an image from a different angle than the one that had been displayed until now. “I come to bring tranquility to the River Plate people. All legal. Greetings”, were the first words of the former Boca and San Lorenzo, among other clubs.

In the photo you can see Sergio Romero holding the ball that, according to the time of capture, did not fully enter. “Credits to my sister-in-law for the photo of the date,” the 29-year-old center closed the publication.

Like the player, Brune Nasuti, the author of the shot, used her X account (formerly Twitter) to thank the praise she received for her discovery and revealed: “I have the video in slow motion because I took the photo with live…”. Minutes later, he shared the frame by frame of the play.

Agustín Cáffaro’s post in X.

The great controversy of the superclásico: was River’s goal annulled?

It was the most discussed moment of the superclásico. A great controversy. A move that will surely be talked about for a long time. It was 8 minutes and 48 seconds into the second half when River came out to celebrate the 2-1… After a series of rebounds, an unfortunate touch by Cristian Lema and a volley by Chiquito Romero, The referee Yael Falcón Pérez and the assistant Juan Pablo Belatti initially validated the goal. But the celebration was put on hold. We had to wait for the VAR check. And after several minutes he reversed his initial decision.

Rule 10 of the IFAB regulations states that the ball must completely cross the line between the posts and under the crossbar to be considered a valid goal. In the case of the superclassic could not be determined with the naked eye if the entire circumference crossed the line.

The controversy of the party. Did he enter or not enter?

From some cameras it gave the impression that it was not a goal, but from other shots the perspective seemed to indicate that the ball had all gone in… Considering that in Argentina there is no automatic goal detection system, The decision was made three minutes after the lines were drawn from the VAR.

Who was in the VAR? Jorge Baliño was accompanied at the AVAR by Gastón Suárez, who was appointed at the last minute to replace Lucas Novelli -he suffered a “medical illness”-.

As it turned out, the annulment of the goal had a total impact on the development and result of the match. Seven minutes later Boca’s second came (Cavani). And after a while the third of Merentiel…

2024-04-21 23:29:52
#player #national #basketball #team #showed #revealing #video #Super #controversy #goal #Olé


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