The goalkeeper who reported racist insults in Sestao speaks: “A person cannot be a victim and then punish them, I don’t see that as normal”

Tuesday, April 2, 2024, 09:27 | Updated 5:02 p.m.


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Cheikh Kane Sarr held a press conference today to offer his version of the events of the sad incident that occurred last Saturday in Las Llanas. The Senegalese goalkeeper of Rayo Majadahonda, who jumped over the field fence just after scoring 2-1 to confront the fans located behind the goal he was defending, grabbing one of them by the scarf and shaking him, explained that he did it because “The boy, when they scored a goal, came down to where I was and was insulting me all over the place, he was telling me ‘fucking black’, ‘fucking nigger run’ and things like that.”

Likewise, he has exonerated himself by saying that “when he was insulting me, when he was saying racist things to me, saying everything, my reaction was just to calm down, I jumped in to talk about it because it was the first thing that crossed my mind, I did it.” to express it, grab him and ask him why he was insulting me and trying to be racist, it was not an aggressive gesture, just asking him why, if he has a family. Furthermore, he was an older person, he would have to be an example for the children and not act like that.

Although he has also apologized for his violent reaction. «I am sorry for what happened last Saturday, because I was hot, it is the first time that has happened to me. This helps me a lot so that, in the future, if it happens to me again, I know how to react and speak,” he commented. Likewise, he has stressed that asking for forgiveness “screws him up a lot.” “You have to be respectful and I apologize for the respect I have and because it is the most correct thing to do, I am not doing it for this boy who has done me wrong, I am doing it for the image of football and to protect football,” he argued.

The referee not only reflected in the report the goalkeeper’s aggressive attitude towards the stands, but also towards himself. “Once sent off, the player attacked me violently, with the clear intention of attacking me, having to be restrained by his teammates present on the field,” he said. Sarr clarified that “my act towards the referee was not aggressive, I wanted to go and ask him with all the respect in the world why it was the red card, I think that, in the first place, I had to ask the victim and say why it was the red card.” red card”, adding that he spoke with him “an hour or so later”, thanking him for his support.

The Rayo Majadahonda goalkeeper revealed that it was not the first time he had been involved in a case of racism. «It was not the first time that it happened to me, but it had not been as it was like last Saturday, it was an act that was a bit funny or a joke, what happened this past Saturday was a horrible thing that I could not stand, it was It’s sad, it was very ugly,” he said. At the moment, no evidence of the racist insults alleged by the Senegalese has come to light. The minutes do not reflect them either. “The referee couldn’t hear anything because he wasn’t there, when he whistled the goal he was in the middle of the field,” confirmed the goalkeeper.

Possible sanction of 4 to 8 games

In light of Sarr’s reaction to the alleged racist insults, the goalkeeper faces a possible ban of between four and eight matches. He stated in this regard that “it is unfair, a person cannot be a victim and then punish them, I do not see that as normal.” Later, he stressed that “if I receive a sanction, it will surprise me because I don’t expect it, I see that in a racist issue the person must be protected.” We still have to wait to know what the Federation will dictate in this case. Also the Ertzaintza the racist incidents in Sestao.

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2024-04-02 14:49:50
#goalkeeper #reported #racist #insults #Sestao #speaks #person #victim #punish #dont #normal


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