The mobiles in Augusta and a unique philosophy: “I wish there were more tournaments like this”

Updated Monday, April 15, 2024 – 15:38

What is often said about time stopping is something literal in the Augusta Masters. They are already 88 editions and all the directors of the most exclusive golf course continue to have a maxim: A mobile phone does not fit in your tournament.

Whether it’s Tiger Woodsthe president of CBS or a gardener, no cell phone is welcome in Augusta National in the 21st century. era in which there is not a single mass sports spectacle in the world that follows this model of technological austerity.

For many this is a without sense and more so, if one takes into account that the telephone company AT&T, the leader in the United States, is one of the sponsors of the tournament. The telephone booths, those that are in extinction throughout the civilized world, they are lavish in Augusta among azaleas and magnolia trees. about one thirty They can be found distributed in different strategic points of the golf course.


At the Masters you can spend the afternoon hooked on to a conference with Tegucigalpa right from the Amen Corner and all, with courtesy of the green jacket partners.

The winner of the US Open, Wydham Clark respects the rules of the Masters but does not understand the measure very well in current times: “It seems very positive to me phone use, especially when people use them as cameras. In this way they can capture the essence of the tournament and take the memory with you forever. Having an image collected by your own hand is not the same as seeing it on television. Today these sections They are more than a phone“They are a very good resource for people to enjoy our sport.”

For others, like Jon Rahmit’s just the opposite: “I think there should be more tournaments that should do the same“, stated the current champion about this restriction. “I think that if the atmosphere here is so special, it is precisely because of that. You have no distractions, it is pure love of sport. “I wish there were more tournaments like this.”

Rahm also acknowledges that, in recent years, there has been flexible a bit the norm with the players and that Augusta does’a blind eye‘ on practice days and especially on par threes: “They know that players carry their phones, but we don’t even take them out.. Maybe with a photo or a short video, but hardly anything and only today,” said the one from Barrika after the pair three contest.

An assistant takes pictures with Jon RahmHugo Costa


Everyone agrees that the camp’s policy with the participants is much more lax. There is nothing official, but certain uses are always permitted outside the official rounds of the tournament. The key for the North American, Billy Horchel is “to be discreet and do not flaunt its use.”

These restrictions may cause some setback for some players who have adapted the new technology as part of their daily work. An example is record the swing on the practice field: “Over time I learned that I can’t hide the phone in some places.. “I’m used to hitting a few balls and then looking at it,” said Colin Morikawa.

For the winner of the Open Championship, Brian Harman the phone it’s not that important in the week: “It doesn’t help you to have one because anyone I need to talk to, like my coach, my manager or my wife, is already on the field and they don’t have their cell phones.”

“We try to be true to our mission, who we are and what we stand for.” Bobby Jones y Clifford Roberts they had in mind when they created the club,” he commented Fred Riley, CEO of Augusta Nationalwho has also recalled that, in his plans, there is no idea of ​​changing their policies with telephone.


Al Master he absolutely doesn’t care about the networks social networks and the spectator, journalist or player who defies their norms risks never returning.

For the public or employers, as they are called, having a telephone is materially impossible since the strict access controls ensure that there is no technological element. Many who know it, leave it at homeother mischievous and clueless people try, but their terminals are requisitioned on slogan.

Journalists, who can access the club with them, can only use them in the spectacular press center, which would like a few for itself. Olympic Games or a Soccer World Cup. At first, not having a telephone on hand and having to coordinate closures, shipment of material or a thousand various procedures that the life of a special envoy requires, it seems nonsensebut they end up adapting.

Of course, the accreditation that they must permanently carry, and that includes a microchipallows Augusta control where they are at every moment of the week. Despite this, they can write reports from the laptop, although Augusta could very well make them type an Olivetti, just as Bobby Jones would have liked.

The Augusta telephone boothsHugo Costa

2024-04-15 13:38:53
#mobiles #Augusta #unique #philosophy #tournaments


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