The Perception of European NBA Players as ‘Soft’ and the Defense from Within

That the NBA is more international than ever is something that no one questions, but this new trend has meant that more than one in the United States has seen the wolf’s ears, since the opportunities for local players will be increasingly minors.

This attempt to defend the local and largely African-American product had one of its first episodes with Nikola Jokic and Joel Embiid as protagonists, in which Kendrick Perkins, among others, used the racial argument when choosing the MVP.

It didn’t take long to experience another episode marked by the origin of its protagonists. Another inattentive former player like Gilbert Arenas was glad that Draymond Green had a clear preference for Europeans when choosing his victims.

And it is precisely the Europeans who are the protagonists of the latest narrative in the United States: they are not tough. Obsessed, bordering on the ridiculous, by appearing to have a toughness that is often conspicuous by its absence, with cases as pathetic as Ja Morant’s as perfect examples, Americans are trying to make everyone see how soft and weak Europeans are.

Paul Pierce has been in the news in recent hours by stating that “in the NBA, no one considers European players tough, especially if they are French. It’s the truth. American players don’t expect a European to be tough, they are good people, they like them.” the cakes”, words that spread like wildfire in the United States, with more than one agreeing with the Celtics legend.

But another very important name in the Boston franchise has grown tired of the situation and has come out in defense of the Europeans. Kevin Garnett wanted to talk about the issue with his podcast partner and made his position clear.

“I understand what you meant, but that’s just the narrative about them.”

Pierce wanted to clarify that he only said what many think: “It was not an attack on Rudy Gobert or the Europeans. We see a European and we think he is soft. Are there some who are hard? Of course, but the perception “It’s because they’re soft. It’s because of their personality, they don’t face people, it’s not their culture. That’s American culture, growing up in the neighborhood, fighting on the track. They don’t come from all that.”

And this was when Garnett started to get nervous at what Pierce was saying. “No, the Europeans come from real shit. They come from war, from having to go to school in the middle of a war, from bombs and all that. Serbs, Croats… You say it as if the American players are from different, when Europeans come from a completely different way of life. They are soft in the sense that they are not aggressive.”

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2024-04-05 06:54:11
#Kevin #Garnett #defense #Europeans #NBA #war


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