Tribute to the past, present and future

This pelotaris dynasty is a common thing in the history of our sport. In the specific case of the raspall we were able to observe in the Piles final, in that venue dedicated to the mythical figure of Ciscar, the sentimental appreciation that the fans give to the figures who have marked an era. There was Malonda carrying the trophy in dispute.

The Malonda de Oliva family is one of the most appreciated sagas for its contribution to the specialty and for the charisma that all its members have given off. There was a tribute to history in the figure of Malonda.

And there was the joyful present reality, with four kids who are an example of commitment to professional sports, aware that each generous donation in each game is the best food to enhance the chosen sport, the same one that continues to captivate new generations of Valencian men and women, for the fact of being a mirror of the inherited identity, for being executors of this tradition and above all, above all those sentimental considerations, because it is a sport that captivates the senses of any person sensitive to beauty and emotion of a ‘quinze’ that like a mascletá grows in intensity until the final thunder.

The Piles final shone from its prelude to its end and in that story that contemplates emotions and passions, a figure stood out who I dare to say will become one of the legends of the Valencian pilot team.

I tell what his father, one of the first figures of his generation, told me: “You know why he is so happy in the fill, why Paco asks me every day how he plays to anar a vore’l.” If Paco asked where that young countryman played, it would be for something…

And he talks about when the kid began to impress with his self-confidence, his technical quality with both hands, his bravery, his intelligence, his hunger for success and his temperance when speaking in front of the microphones, always in a positive way…

A few years ago, Waldo was the pelota player who dominated the raspall universe with overwhelming superiority. Waldo played the rest. Tonet IV acts as a ‘mitger’ but his conditions allow him to stand out in a special way in all the trinquet slabs.

His great-grandfather was already a figure in the days of Joc al Carrer when Xiquet de Llanera dominated. His grandfather was one of the best in the Genovés trinquet that Uncle Bataller raised. His father was a figure in the best posters during the time of Malonda II or Loripet…

And now, in the fourth generation of the Tonet saga, from the town of Genovés, all the virtues of their ancestors have merged, which with the sum of their own make Tonet IV a pelotari for the legend.

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2024-04-01 02:00:45
#Tribute #present #future


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