Women’s Six Nations Tournament: French Joanna Grisez’s incredible 100m try on video

A rocket crossed the lawn of the Arms Park in Cardiff this Sunday in Wales. A lightning bolt named Joanna Grisez, author of the second French try in this penultimate match of the 2024 Six Nations Tournament to allow her teammates to take a good advantage in the score (14-0 after this converted try). The 27-year-old winger intercepted the ball two meters from the French goal line, never letting go and sprinting for almost 100m before flattening on the other side of the field.

A specialist in rugby 7, the former Bobigny player today at the Stade Bordeaux showed her qualities of speed to avoid the return of the Welsh during her 6th selection with the French XV team. She celebrated her first cap during the XV World Cup in 2022, a competition concluded by the Blue in third place. A tennis player until she was 19, Joanna Grisez discovered rugby during her studies and never gave it up again.

Joanna Grisez is used to spectacular action. With the Bleues du 7, during another World Cup contested in 2022, she scored a monumental try against Fiji in the quarter-finals to send France into the last four.


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