The Ministry of Sports announced that this Saturday, May 18, the opening of registration for the 2024 National Intercollegiate Games, so legally constituted educational institutions and organizations for people with disabilities interested in being part of these school fairs, They must enter the page of the Ministry of Sports,, look for the National Intercollegiate Games banner and follow the registration and registration steps.

In the 2024 Intercollegiate Games, which will take place in five phases: municipal, departmental, regional, national final and international phase, girls, boys and young people in school, between 7 and 17 years of age, may participate in the categories school festivals, pre-infant, infant, pre-youth and youth.

For this edition, 36 sports modalities are contemplated (19 individual and 13 group), as well as 3 Parasports and school festivals.

Individual competitions will be composed of underwater activities, chess, athletics, badminton, boxing, cycling, fencing, gymnastics, judo, karate, weightlifting, wrestling, swimming, skating, skateboarding, taekwondo, shuffleboard, field tennis, table tennis and triathlon. For their part, the parasports will be: boccia, swimming and athletics.

Along with the above, team sports will be made up of basketball, 3×3 basketball, handball, baseball, soccer, indoor soccer, indoor soccer, mini basketball, mini indoor soccer, mini volleyball, cheerleading, rugby, softball and volleyball.

2024-05-18 22:05:54
#Registration #opens #Intercollegiate #Games


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