Armando Lucas Correa, author of “The German Girl”, debuts in the suspense genre – El Sol de México

Although internationally known for writing historical novels, journalist Armando Lucas Correa has never felt like an exclusive author of that genre, since when he writes he simply perceives himself as a storyteller. That is why he has decided to venture into the world of suspense with the publication of “The Silence in Their Eyes”, under the Ediciones B label.

The story tells the life of “Leah”, who suffers from akinetopsia or movement blindness. Her world often transforms in the blink of an eye: when she blinks, whatever is before her disappears. To those around her she is blind, but in reality the only thing she cannot see is movement. “Leah” is left alone after the death of her mother. But everything changes when “Alice” moves into the apartment next to her; During a violent argument between “Alice” and her husband, “Leah” discovers, through the walls, that her neighbor is threatened with death.

“The first one who cried out was my editor and then my agent. They wondered how she could change gender if “The German Girl” had sold more than a million copies. But since I am a reader before being a writer, and I recognize that I read many other genres and stories, when I write I think like the reader that I am,” says Lucas Correa, former editor of the popular New York magazine “People in Spanish.” .

Lucas Correa mentions that he is intrigued by the fact that the book is in the thriller or police sections. “There are deaths, yes, and murders, as there are also in historical fictions. Editors and marketing people are the most interested in putting labels on books, but my ideal reader would be the one who opens the book without any preconceived ideas, because this story is not the classic thriller. I have more relationship with the suspense genre.”

His main influence on this novel, he adds, is the cinematographic art of the master of suspense Albert Hitchcock, specifically the films “Rear Window” and “Vertigo.”


To write this novel, Lucas Correa had to carry out in-depth research on akinetopsia, a topic that he found fascinating, so much so that he ended up visiting neuroscientists who physically showed him the ways in which this disease develops in the brain. This helped him to fully understand what his narrative strategy would be, since the novel is told from the protagonist’s point of view.

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“With this book I had a lot of work to do. First because I wanted the reader to feel the same as “Leah”. But also because I wanted the ending to be as unexpected as possible. Usually in thrillers you know where they are taking you, but, since the essence of this book is ‘nothing is as it seems,’ I wanted to respect that to the last,” she says.

Furthermore, he states that with this book he would like to touch deep fibers, as do the books and authors that he himself admires and reads.

“I think that extremes attract our attention, I am a reader who is fascinated by books that move and annihilate me. Light books are not for me. “I like that books have a complex style and an equally complex theme,” concludes the writer, who is currently writing a saga about his family’s migration history.

2024-05-12 09:00:00
#Armando #Lucas #Correa #author #German #Girl #debuts #suspense #genre #Sol #México


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