Belgian G-Badminton Championship: Reigning European Champion Kiki Man-Kei To to Compete

Kiki Man-Kei To is the reigning European champion. — © if

Lokeren –

Badminton club Lokeren, together with Badminton Flanders, is organizing the Belgian G-badminton championship for people with disabilities on Saturday, May 4.

The BK G badminton will take place in Lokeren on Saturday. This is the Belgian championship for athletes with a physical or mental disability. About 50 G-athletes will compete for the Belgian titles in three categories.

“With 34 participants last year and 33 participants the year before, G-badminton is experiencing a positive evolution,” says Bert Vanhorenbeeck, co-chairman KBBF and chairman Badminton Flanders. “Thanks to Kiki Man-Kei To, more and more athletes are finding their way to G-badminton. Kiki was involved in a serious traffic accident in 2007. She suffered a spinal cord injury and has been paralyzed in her legs ever since. After many places of honor, she was crowned European champion in 2023. She will also be there on Saturday. Today, more than ever, this Belgian Championship is the top event of the year for all our G athletes in Belgium.”

The Belgian Championship starts at 9 am with a demonstration match between Man-Kei To against head coach Arno Boonants. The championship matches start at 9:30 am and last all day. Free entrance.

2024-05-03 08:42:10
#Belgian #badminton #championship #people #disabilities #Lokeren #Top #event #athletes #Lokeren


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