Bellomo investigated for football betting: expelled from the bench during Ternana – Bari – Calcio

The shadow of football betting is once again growing over Italian football. A red card received on the bench by Nicola Bellomo is today at the center of a new investigation.

Bellomo, investigation into the expulsion in Ternana-Bari

A very strange expulsion, the kind you don’t see very often. And a surprising stream of bets that it could happen. Thus, the federal prosecutor of the Football Federation opened an investigation into the Bari player Nicola Bellomo. The reason? During the match on May 23rd against Ternana in Terni, the second leg of the playout to avoid relegation, Bellomo got himself sent off for protests after 33 minutes of the second half. The anomaly? Bellomo was not on the pitch, but on the bench. Not only that: his team, Bar, was leading 3-0 away and had effectively saved their stay in Serie B after the 1-1 draw in the first leg. I mean, there really was no reason to get kicked out.

Anomalous flow of bets on Bellomo’s expulsion

Before the expulsion, an argument with a ball boy. But what made us suspicious, rather than the dynamics of the facts, was what was happening outside. Because a few hours after kick-off, a series of 50 euro coupons were played in a bookshop in Bari, which could have produced significant winnings, on Bellomo’s expulsion: an eventuality priced at 24 times the stake. In short, an almost unachievable event, also because Bellomo was not announced on the pitch. An element that led the federal prosecutor Giuseppe Chinè to decide to open an investigation, and will also involve the Customs and Monopolies Agency to collect useful elements on the flow of episodes.

2024-05-30 15:14:41
#Bellomo #investigated #football #betting #expelled #bench #Ternana #Bari #Calcio


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